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Muscle Gain Secrets Of The Man With 23 Inch Biceps

Last night I was flipping through an old muscle magazine and saw a picture of Bill Pettis.

If you don’t recognize the name, Bill Pettis was a bodybuilder who possibly built the biggest arms of his day.

Rumor has it that they were 23 1/4 inches tall. (I say rumored because no one really knows if arm measurements are accurate, as most bodybuilders are prone to inflate the truth a bit.)

But even if you don’t believe the numbers, the pictures don’t lie. Either way you cut him, his arms were HUGE.

And strong too. He could do a 225 pound curl and could use a whopping 340 pounds on the standing tricep press.

But what really caught my attention was how he ate:

While most bodybuilders still rely on the six meals a day method, Bill only ate two meals a day. I ate around 3-4 eggs a day and a good portion of bacon, steak, fish, chicken, vegetables, and some fruit.

For supplements, I would take some protein powder, brewer’s yeast, and also dried liver tablets.

His workout was high-volume – he did dozens of sets of heavy barbell curls, along with a lot of tricep work. In fact, you would do about twice as much triceps work as you do biceps.

The reason? The triceps contains more muscle than the biceps muscle group, so by working the triceps you can increase overall arm size faster.

You may not be able to build 23-inch biceps like Bill Pettis, but by following the advice in this article, you can also increase your arm size and start stretching your shirt sleeves.

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