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Morning Pregnancy (Hypermisis Gravidarum) and Homeopathic Treatment

A woman’s body goes through different changes during pregnancy that can affect her digestive system and cause morning sickness. Some women may experience morning sickness or morning sickness during pregnancy and some may not experience it at all. Some may experience it severely in this case, this in medical term called Hypermisis Gravidarum (HG). HG is a severe form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It prevents the necessary intake of food and liquids. This can occur during the first semester of pregnancy and in some for longer and around 20% can suffer throughout the pregnancy. This type of morning sickness has some complications, such as dehydration and ketone production, metabolic imbalance, nutritional deficiency, and inability to perform daily activities and duties.

There is a difference between hyperemesis and morning sickness, in morning sickness, nausea is sometimes accompanied by vomiting; nausea will stop after 12 weeks, vomiting does not cause severe dehydration, and some food can be retained in the stomach.

In Gravidic Hyperemisis there are signs that may be an indication of this problem:

– Chronic nausea
– Vomiting of bile or blood.
– Chronic dehydration.
– Muscular weakness.
– Weight loss of more than 10% of body weight before pregnancy.
– Inability to drink.
– Decreased urination
– Headaches
– Confusion, fainting
– Jaundice
– Exhausted
– Low blood pressure
– Elevated heart rate
– Loss of skin elasticity.
– Secondary anxiety/depression

Homeopathy is one of the effective treatment methods that can be used for pregnancy disease. Homeopathic remedies are safe to use during pregnancy.

Please note that you should always consult your qualified homeopathic practitioner for treatment.

The following are some of the remedies that can be used to reduce and treat severe morning sickness.

1 – Nux Vomica is a good remedy when there is nausea, especially in the morning and after eating. The woman is impatient, irritable and feels cold. There is a continual urge to vomit, often without success, there is a burning sensation in the stomach and stomach cramps, he often feels better after eating and has a good appetite.

2 – Pulsatilla is a good remedy when there is nausea that worsens in the afternoon and at night.

3 – You feel sick from most foods, especially oily and greasy foods. Three is not thirsty, although he feels better with cold drinks. Women are usually whiny and need a lot of attention and insecure.

4- Ipecac: this remedy is useful when there is constant nausea, with retching and belching. Even after vomiting, the nausea remains. He feels worse from movement and from lying down.

5 – Sepia is a good remedy for periodic nausea, feeling of emptiness in the stomach. He feels worse before eating and especially in the morning, the symptoms are made worse by smells, worse by lying down. There is salty taste in the mouth. The patient craves vinegar and sour foods. Often the woman is sad and indifferent to her family.

These are examples of remedies that can be used to treat this severe morning sickness during pregnancy, there are many other homeopathic remedies that can be prescribed according to the symptoms of pregnant women, which can be discussed in consultation with a qualified registered homeopath.

So everyone has the right to choose, choose their own method of treatment, as long as there is awareness in all available methods.

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