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Mobile phone games: the new niche for smartphones

Since mobile phones began to have their own screens, there were games that were incorporated into the terminals. While in the beginning there was the simple game called Snake, owned by Nokia, mobile users these days can enjoy a level of mobile gaming experience that was once the prerogative of home computers and game consoles.

However, mobile gaming can be considered a relatively recent development and was slow to catch up compared to other mobile phone technologies. The tiny screens of earlier cell phones, along with their limitation to only alphanumeric controls, means that mobile phone gaming, for a long time, was more of a gimmick than anything else.

But all of that almost changed overnight with the advent of touchscreen smartphones in 2007. These smartphones had larger screens that were more in sync with graphical games. Also, the input method was much more appropriate than a restricted small physical keyboard. The introduction of app stores such as the Android Market and the Apple App Store provided a means for small game developers to introduce their game software to the cell phone market.

It can be said without a doubt that there has been a huge increase in the popularity of gaming smartphones in the past year, so much so that the level of gameplay can be compared to traditional game consoles. Microsoft and Sony are the two rivals vying with each other to acquire the biggest pie in the smartphone gaming industry.

The Windows Mobile operating system has been losing ground to Android and Apple and this led the Redmond-based company to redesign its strategy. Seeing the rise in popularity of cheap smartphones, the two companies got down to business and started creating a new set of games compatible with cheap smartphones.

Most of the game developers, and that includes the most famous ones, were initially worried whether cheap smartphones would be popular or not and therefore they were hesitant to design games for such phones. Most of the games designed were for high-end smartphones and were aimed at the business customer.

However, the popularity of cheap smartphones from several major cell phone manufacturers changed the scene. In fact, these same manufacturers were not sure of the success of cheap phones. But once these cheap and cheap phones caught the attention of the customer, game developers felt that the huge gaming market was waiting to be explored and started to develop games for cheap smartphones.

Other relatively unknown companies and small developers soon joined the bandwagon and manufacturers of cheap smartphones began to incorporate these games into their terminals. The games had full graphics and sound. The range included action, adventure, sports, and brain games.

As the world of cheap smartphones is expanding with each passing day, more and more game developers create better games to attract the customer. The smartphone gaming market is still in the development stage and we can expect to see more interesting and graphically striking games to be introduced in upcoming features. It will be the cheap smartphone buyer who will eventually emerge as the winner.

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