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Michael Joseph Jackson – His Chaldean numbers reveal a true master

Like everyone else, I was shocked when I heard that Michael had died…in fact, I had come home early that day (not a regular event) and turned on the TV in the middle of the afternoon (not a day either). usual event)…so I saw the whole thing on CNN.

I had often used Michael’s table in my writings as examples of various Chaldean master numbers since he had so many in his name…in fact, all of his individual names add up to master numbers. I am going to present this information as a kind of tribute to him, his talent, his humanity, his ‘other word’, his brilliance and his great love for the people of this world. He brought joy, dance and good vibes to so many millions that he will be sorely missed.

We have truly lost a Master, in more ways than one.

All of Michael’s names are Master Numbers, which I need to explain a bit first. These numbers are two digits, as in 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, and so on. These energies vibrate at a higher level than the norm: 11 is a higher vibration of 1, 22 is a higher vibration of 2 and 11, 33 is a higher vibration of 3, 11 and 22 and so on. It is extraordinarily rare to find a 44 or 55…never mind all of them in one name! What this means is that his essence was, in fact, ‘otherworldly’: he was on a different platform than most. That is just a simple vibrational fact. No matter how one changes or rearranges his name, he always comes out as a Master.

Michael was born as Michael Joseph Jackson on August 29, 1958.

Michael’s middle name (where his soul’s desire resided) and his birth day (11/29), or Lifepath, are both Master Number 11, meaning Master Thinker or Visionary. This energy, especially when repeated, gives its possessor incredible imagination, intuitive or even psychic inspiration, potent creativity, and the potential to be tremendously talented and artistic to the point of creating masterpieces: someone who thinks or imagines. in an unusual or unique way. shape. As a person, the 11 is usually very warm and genuine, although there can also be a sense of mystery around them… the 11 lives in a world that not all of us can share. In Michael’s case, his inner desire, as indicated by his middle name, was to dream big dreams and see them as real, if only in his own mind, but the influence of 11 as his path in life led him to realize Those Dreams: Managing and dealing with the harsh reality of those manifested dreams was also part of her life path.

The name of Michael and Jackson are separately added to Master number 22, which is an intense energy source called the Master Architect or Builder: 22 can take the visionary images and dreams of psychic 11 and bring them to physical Earth. airplane: in other words, the 22 is capable of making visions come true. Having two of these energies in one name is beyond powerful – it is simply illustrative of the reach, growth and success Michael created, built, experienced and shared with his beloved fans. Master 22 as a person is a focused, determined and demanding worker; this energy will do whatever work is required to ‘build’ what he ‘sees’, but often remains humble and discreet.

The energy that he introduced to the world as Michael Jackson vibrates with a Master number 44, reflecting what Michael’s soul really wanted to do while he was here: this energy is known as the Master Healer and could be seen as the ‘therapist of the masses’. ‘. ..this is a person who, ideally, would like to correct all wrongs within the human race and heal the ills that poison the spiritual body of humanity as a whole. 44 is a fundamental energy, therefore it is capable of reaching thousands, if not millions of people through words, medicines, actions… the list is endless but the goal is the same. A natural conclusion here would seem to indicate someone wishing to heal the world through the tools available to him: his music and his song.

The full, unadulterated energy vibration found in his full name, Michael Joseph Jackson, is a rarely encountered 55th Master. He makes a statement about Michael’s overall purpose and possible karmic connection and is one of Justice and Equity. Since 5 is the number of change, among other things, and also of fame, this energy would likely experience a lot of both… but the form it would take could involve heady, crushing highs and lows… another who possesses this energy is La Queen Elizabeth and I would say that her life also contains a lot of both. The sheer energy of Michael’s name suggests that he desired fairness and justice for all: Master Justice’s scope is wide: it is not about oneself.

Obviously, there are downsides to all numbers and master numbers in particular, but I chose not to address them in this article; I just wanted to focus on the positive and also point out the disturbing accuracy of the Chaldean system.

Michael was truly a gift to us and an enigma we will probably never solve. But that is part of his legacy and what will keep him, along with his music, alive forever.

Rest in peace Master J.

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