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Learning about the astral plane is an important secret to consciously creating the life you want

Knowledge of the astral plane is essential for anyone who intends to consciously create their desired reality. This term is often taken loosely to mean some mysterious or magical dimension, only found in dreams, during out-of-body experience (OBE), after death, or in fairy tales.

Most people do not realize that this invisible dimension really exists and that it significantly affects the way their lives and realities are shaped. Ignorance of the law does not excuse anyone, so it is best that you learn about this important vibrational plane, especially its matrix-forming nature.

The casual definitions of the Astral Plan contain elements of truth even when they have been generated mainly by speculation. However, you should seek an accurate description and mental image of this hidden reality, especially as it will determine how effectively you use the law of attraction in your life.

Think of the Astral Plane as a vibratory dimension within which the matrices or prototypes (energy blueprints) of your outer reality are initially formed. The main difference between the astral and physical planes is a vibratory rate rather than a local one, since they actually coexist, overlap and interact intimately with each other.

Variations in the description of the astral plane have emerged, due in part to the way that different schools of thought have assigned artificial limits to these essentially overlapping dimensions. In many occult (occult) traditions, the astral plane is also known as the emotional plane, primarily because your emotions have a direct effect on this invisible level of reality.

In striving for simplicity, some spiritual writers have expanded the term Astral Plane to include parts of the Mental Plane. The Mental Plane is the relatively higher dimension in which thoughts affect and mold the Astral material (Light) into thought forms and other etheric prototypes.

Furthermore, the astral dimension is generally subdivided into the lower and higher planes, an important distinction that you must keep in mind. Knowledge of these levels has been handed down to us from ancient spiritual schools and has been confirmed and refined by gifted psychics and remote viewers of our generation.

The Lower Astral Plane is the initial dimension that is found after physical death and is the vibratory plane in which there are disembodied beings but tied to the earth (those who have unwavering attachments to the Physical Plane) until they are ready to move on to the next stage of your spiritual journey. As you apply the laws of manifestation, you do not need to worry about this denser vibrational reality.

The Higher Astral Plane will be the primary object of your study because it is the environment in which the energy patterns for the various elements of your physical world are initiated and launched into manifestation. Psychics describe astral material (Light) as milky-white in appearance, forming an infinite energy field that is not differentiated until your thoughts and emotions mold its substance into the matrices and prototypes of your outer reality.

Legitimate magicians and alchemists have long kept a powerful secret: By consciously molding a light body prototype within the astral plane, it is possible to manifest the equivalent of this prototype on the physical plane.. Such astral forms or matrices must first be visualized with consistency and then energized with focused intention; otherwise they simply dissipate and return to the undefined astral field.

Be fully aware of each of your thoughts and emotions because, as you have just learned, they are powerful enough to change the course of your life. For example, if a pre-existing astral form of similar vibrational frequency merges with one of your own causally (unintentionally) produced thought forms, they will reinforce each other and may collectively produce unpredictable or undesirable situations in your life.

Only by becoming a conscious and responsible co-creator of your reality can you be assured of a consistent, reliable, and satisfying life. Truly, knowledge is power.

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