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Learn how the ostrich behaves

Ostriches are a type of bird that is considered to be flightless. The only other common flightless bird is the penguin. Unlike penguins, however, they are some of the tallest birds around and what they lack in wingspan they make up for in running speed. Their extremely long legs allow them to run up to 45 mph and maintain this pace for more than 30 minutes.

Most ostrich species will pair up during the winter months or spend it alone. About 16% of people who have seen these animals saw them with larger groups. During the breeding season, the animals will congregate in nomadic groups that can hold between 5 and 50 of them at a time. They are led by the top hen and will travel together with zebras or antelopes.

These animals have been classified as diurnal, but it is possible to see some of them more active during the night hours. Their eyesight is very sharp and allows them to see their prey from afar and gives them time to get away in time. They will get away from their predator by running away or lying on the ground.

When they lie down, they will drop their entire bodies to the ground and place their necks on the ground. This helps them impersonate a mound of dirt from a great distance. Because of this, people created the myth that ostriches push their heads into the ground when they are afraid.

A few years ago, people began breeding these animals in the United States. These farms would sell meat to consumers and use it to create ostrich leather products. Unfortunately, these farms were unable to stay open due to how expensive these products were.

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