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Kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms, oh my!

Two great rooms to remodel when you want to increase the value of your home are the kitchen and the bathroom. The kitchen comes first, but the bathrooms can also give you a good return on your money. No one likes a crappy bathroom, and an old-fashioned one is pretty disgusting, too. If you don’t have a big budget, you can start small and simply replace a few simple features like the medicine cabinet, bathroom vanity, or perhaps add a bathroom medicine cabinet.

How about the kitchen? It’s pretty easy to have a discussion about kitchen islands. Many islands are set up for additional dining spaces, with elegant bar stools to sit on, a kind of buffet area where a variety of delicious dishes can be placed. But today’s islands also offer the chef a wide range of options depending on their own culinary habits.

My mom has her stove on the island, along with a microwave, a built-in curio cabinet to display her favorite collectibles. Other islands I’ve seen have built-in dishwashers and even appliances like ice machines, trash compactors, and small refrigerators. Yes, if you wanted your oven there you could. There really is no limit to how you can design your island to suit your needs.

What if you just want to update the bedroom? Sleigh beds are a popular piece of furniture in the bedrooms of many homes. They have been around for a long time. They are usually much larger than the standard bed frame and would not be appropriate for a small bedroom, but large open spaces would be suitable for a piece like this.

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