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Is dyslexia a gift or a curse?

Dyslexia is a common disorder that predominantly affects reading and writing. Some people with dyslexia also experience difficulties with spelling, math, visuospatial skills, memory, and fine motor skills. Despite all these problems, some with dyslexia achieve amazing results in their lives, becoming entrepreneurs, inventors, doctors, and lawyers. At the same time, there are a disproportionate number of dyslexic people who are incarcerated. Given these two very different images, is dyslexia a gift or a curse?

Why would people view dyslexia as a disability?

Certainly, dyslexic children can have a lot of difficulties in school. They may find that their friends learn to read and spell easily. They may feel like things are getting easy for everyone else in the class and they are the only ones struggling. This can lead to frustration and loss of confidence.

Also, children with dyslexia are often told what they did wrong and where they fell short. Words are very powerful, especially the words parents and teachers use to describe their children. When children hear words like “dumb” or “slow” or “disabled,” they begin to possess these labels and are soon defined by them. Once they believe that they are somehow inferior, they can stop trying in school and resign themselves to the fact that they cannot succeed.

So why would anyone call dyslexia a gift?

First, as with most things in life, dyslexia is an extremely variable condition. Some people with dyslexia may experience only mild difficulty reading, while others are more severely affected. Obviously, it is easier for a person with mild dyslexia to find compensations and overcome difficulties and find their success in life. Someone who is more severely affected may find these challenges difficult to overcome.

However, even the most severely affected people with dyslexia can be successful in life. Often times, it starts with having the right mentors, who encourage them and help them develop their strengths. When a dyslexic child has a parent or teacher who believes in them and continually encourages them and points out their strengths, they are more likely to develop a persistent attitude and keep trying new things.

Also, if a child is given the ability to use adaptations and assistive technologies to cope with their difficulties, these challenges are less likely to hold them back. For example, if a child has a very creative mind, but finds the physical act of writing very laborious, they may shut down and all these great ideas may never come to light. However, if that same child has a teacher who recognizes their creativity and allows them to use assistive devices such as computers, dictation software, and audiobooks, they will have the opportunity to show their creativity. Then you will receive the positive feedback that will help you persist longer.

Finally, there is a lot of talk about the creativity of people with dyslexia, how they can often see problems from unique angles. So even if these people struggle with school, many times when they graduate and can pursue their passions, they can find brilliant solutions to the world’s problems and then develop successful companies that produce those solutions.

What can we adults do?

1. Remember the power of words and use them to encourage all children.

2. Help dyslexic children find their passion in life.

3. Use lots of positive reinforcement to help dyslexic children see their successes.

4. Emphasize the strengths of a dyslexic child to make him feel smart.

Using these four steps may not completely erase the challenges of dyslexia, but they will go a long way in helping dyslexic children see their condition as a blessing.

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