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I have no special talent, I’m just passionately curious

Albert Einstein never considered himself special, or a genius as some people call him. However, he made a number of brilliant discoveries. This should be inspiring for all of us, considering that everyone is curious to some degree. And the only thing that makes some people special is inside all of us.

You don’t need any special talent to be curious. All you need to do is develop a passion around that one thing that makes you very curious.

Contrary to what most people believe, talent only has a small role to play in determining whether or not we are going to succeed. Some great talents live up to lofty expectations, while others give up along the way because they didn’t have enough passion to follow their dream.

So how do you develop enough passion to be considered special? Find out what motivates you and pursue it relentlessly. Become a student, ready to learn from the leaders in your field. Observe your passion for your profession. Never hesitate to ask questions. Whenever you see something that genuinely interests you, strike up a conversation with the people you meet and ask questions.

This is the only way you learn something new and broaden your horizon. In addition to learning, you may end up cultivating new friendships, which can lead to cooperative ventures in the future. You will be recognized for your passionate pursuit of knowledge.

Give yourself the opportunity to learn or experiment with something new every day. This could be writing a short story, if your passion is becoming a fiction writer, or experimenting with new ways to get leads, if you’re in the sales field, for example.

Finally, don’t worry about whether or not you have talent. Instead, unleash his curiosity and passion to lead him to become the special person he was meant to be. If you’re like most people, you probably care what people say or think about you. But why would you think that way? Consider the fact that no one else acts like you, thinks like you, or even has the skills and talents that you do.

Let’s be clear about this, you are special, gifted and unique in your own right. Think of it this way, your appearance, body appearance, and even fingerprints are different from anyone else’s. Do you want to live a full life? So dare to be different in everything you set your mind to and also celebrate the uniqueness that defines your character.

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