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How to use a Rune Warrior’s “Helm of Awe” rune for protection


Runes are very powerful energy arrays. The New Age of Aquarius with its new Spiritual Quantum Physics Laws tells us that the runes have always existed in what is now known as the Quantum Ocean.

Our ancestors called it “Mimir’s Well”. One of the functions of a Rune Warrior is not only to protect the ancestral soul of the peoples of Northern Europe, but also to protect himself and the family from it.

We live in a technological society without spirituality where the enemies do not hit your door with their axes.

Now they come through the airwaves, computers, the media, and cell phones.

They come in the form of vibrations. harmful vibrations. Vibrations that Wilhelm Reich, the founder of the orgone accumulators, called “DOR”, deadly orgone (life force).

These vibrations enter our auras which are our protective shields. They enter our minds and the minds of our children with ideas, symbols, lies and signs that harm us. We who want to remain individuals and remain connected to our ancestors and our culture.

As a Rune Spirit Warrior, you must learn to block these vibrations and messages. The Law of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that the thoughts we allow into our minds and the energies we carry in our auras determine what we will attract in life.

Let’s eliminate the thoughts and energies of “OTHERS” and build our own thoughts and energies powered by our runes.

We as Northern Europeans have a very powerful rune that will block all “DOR” energy and subliminal messages directed at us.

It is the AEGISHHALMR rune, called “Helm of Fear” or “Helm of Terror”.

It is a very powerful rune that radiates an energy that will keep all evil and harm from you, your children and your home.

You can find a lot of information about the “Helm of Awe” in various places in the Norse sagas. It is used in Seidr magic. The Viking Berserker used it in battle.

You can use it to protect yourself and your home in the following ways.

First of all, print several of these runes. Place one in the four corners of your property. Glue and waterproof them onto a stick and stand it upright for all to see.

Or, you can tape and waterproof it to the bottom of the rocks and place it in all four corners so no one can see it.

Laminate one and carry it in your waller, purse pocket. Put one inside the books your kids take to school.

Put one on the dashboard of your car or truck.

If lining an apartment, put up one of each of the four exterior walls.

Do it now! You are sending “DOR” energies into your mind, into your aura, and into the minds and auras of your children 24/7. The war against our northern European people continues.

Christians wear crosses to protect themselves and their children. The Jews use Mussas in the same way.
Let’s use “The Helm of Awe”.

Do it now!

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