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How To Test Your Titanium Masonic Ring To See If It’s Real

Titanium is a lightweight yet strong and durable metal. It is used for a variety of jobs and is used extensively on submarines, satellites, Ferrari hubcaps, and airplanes.

Metal has a lower thermal conductivity which makes it warmer to the touch. These are also used to make rings and other jewelry. These are simple and elegant and come with a smooth finish that makes them soft to the touch.

The biggest difficulty is that titanium is an extremely difficult material to work with, but the result more than compensates for the effort.

Titanium Masonic Rings are extremely popular with Freemasons. In fact, these are designed by a mason and are only used by masons. Available sizes are 8 to 14, and all rings are engraved with a compass and square.

These are given to siblings who have passed a certain level and display them proudly.

Counterfeits generate more profit

Several reputable organizations offer these rings in their big box stores and they can even be ordered over the internet. However, some people make fake imitations that can easily fool the eye.

These look and feel like original titanium rings, but they don’t last long as they are made of a lower quality metal. They are cheaper and easier to make, and since they are sold as titanium rings, they make a much higher profit on their sale.

Also, by the time a person realizes they have been duped with a fake, it is usually too late.

testing the ring

The best way to avoid being scammed is to try on the ring to make sure you get a genuine titanium masonic ring. This can be done by following a series of simple steps:

1. Feel the ring on all sides and hold it up to a light source to see if there are any scratches. It should feel completely smooth and not have any scratches; otherwise, it is likely a fake that has used some other metal.

2. Titanium is a relatively strong metal, and therefore rings made from it are not easily bent or scratched. So check the ring by tapping it against a hard surface and see if there are any signs of rough use. The presence of any of these signs denotes that the ring is fake and the customer should skip that store altogether.

3. The last step to check the authenticity is to see if it corrodes with salt water. An original ring will not be affected by salt water no matter how long it is exposed to it.

A fake, on the other hand, will definitely show some signs of corrosion if submerged in salt water. However, this is not a very practical method as the ring must be kept in salt water for a long time.

These rings are extremely popular especially as gift items and are worn with pride. The easiest way is to select a reputable organization to purchase.

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