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How to prevent your garden from flooding

In June 2012 I saw water where I had never seen water in my garden. That was the summer that Tropical Storm Debbie hit our community. It rained harder than I had ever seen it rain. There was water everywhere. Our local animal shelter was flooded and many homes and businesses were also flooded. Debby caused at least $ 250 million in losses and 10 deaths in the affected areas. It’s easy, when you’re in the middle of a storm like Debby, to see where you could have done something that could have kept the water away from your house, your garden, and / or your path. Before the next storm approaches, you should assess your yard and the area around your home to see what you can do to make your home less prone to flooding.

First, you should always keep drainage ditches and pipes clean. In our city, yard debris and other trash sometimes clog ditches and make them unable to move water. Our city often does not go out enough to clean them and they get stuck. A friend of mine even has a long stick that she uses to clean the pipes under her driveway. Second, clean the gutters to help water run off the roof. It also helps redirect water away from the house with pipes that are long and extend away from the house. You can also collect runoff in a rain barrel or cistern for later use. Third, you can elevate the part of your garden that is lower and prone to flooding by adding more topsoil. Fourth, you can use French drains and sump pumps to move accumulated water into drainage ditches and away from your home.

Of course, it is impossible to avoid floods in all situations. But there are things you can do that would reduce the likelihood of flood damage to your home and yard. You and your neighbors may need to work together to create a plan that works for everyone. Since it is often your neighbors who could be sending the water to your property.

Don’t wait until your garden is flooded. Evaluate and plan today what you need to do to prevent your yard and home from flooding.

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