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How to make your feet stop sweating fast

Excessively sweaty feet can be very embarrassing because the feet tend to give off an unpleasant odor in this situation. Although sweating is a natural bodily function to keep cool, sometimes it can become too much and be a problem, there can be too much sweat.

There are many ways you can try to control this excessive sweating and make your feet stop sweating, most of them are common sense.

Of course, there are many other areas of your body that can be prone to this excessive sweating, but here we are concentrating on the feet.

Obviously, you have to take into account the degree of sweating of your feet. If you are in a hot area, be it a hot country or just a hot room, etc. Naturally, you’re going to sweat, but having hot feet is usually something different than “excessive” sweating. [hyperhidrosis]this can occur whether the feet are warm or not.

You may want to try foot powders first, this would be the easiest to try. Some foot powders on the market are formulated to combat this excessive sweating, so one of these would be the one, plus of course they would contain a deodorant ingredient.

Always make sure to put powder in your shoes every day, baby powder is good because it is designed to absorb moisture. Think of the baby’s bottom!

It goes without saying that when you take a bath or shower, your feet should be given extra attention. Make sure you keep them scrupulously clean and also dry before putting on your socks and/or shoes.

If you are in a climate where you can wear open shoes or sandals, this would be very beneficial in getting air to your feet. You also need, if possible, to replace your shoes every few months. If this is not possible, financially or otherwise, then you can get some very good sole inserts, some specially geared towards eliminating odor.

The problem with excessively sweaty feet is that your shoes can start to get bacteria growth and this will surely lead to some form of foot fungus, athlete’s foot, etc. You should always consider wearing leather shoes because leather breathes where man-made materials do not.

There is a process called iontophoresis, invented to make feet stop sweating, which involves water and a very small electrical current. This works by having a shallow dish of water, dunking your feet in the water, then a small electrical current is passed through the water.

This is not black magic, in fact, the electric current acts so that the minerals present in the water react in such a way that they form a kind of barrier around your feet. [or hands, if you are using the procedure to cure sweaty hands] and this prevents the escape of excess sweat.

This is a very effective cure. [not totally permanent I have to add] you should repeat it when necessary, but it’s such a small problem that I don’t think it will bother you, especially since it works.

You can either go for the commercial product, which is about $1000 by the way, or you can make something yourself. [which also works a treat].

Another treatment that may seem like a joke, but is not, is to soak the feet in a mixture of tea. It seems that the tannin in the tea is what makes this work.

You just need to make a cup of tea and add this to a bowl of water and soak your feet for 20-30 minutes every day for a week or so. Again, while this isn’t a permanent cure, it’s not a big deal to use this method, just keep doing it when you notice the effects starting to wear off.

You should also realize that sweating, in addition to cooling the body, is also the body’s way of removing toxins from your system. You need to have enough magnesium in your system because this will help detoxify your body. If this happens, then your body won’t need to sweat as much if it’s getting help getting rid of toxins.

If you really are suffering from ‘excessive sweating’ [hyperhidrosis] of your feet, you can also consult your doctor and have him or her prescribe it. He would more than likely prescribe a medical grade roll-on deodorant. By the way, this would work for any other part of your body where you suffer from the same problem.

This type of prescription antiperspirant usually only needs to be used once a week, but it can cause a burning sensation. If you’re not interested in that, try finding products yourself that contain aloe vera for one, or even rock crystal.

Don’t forget your diet: Many problems that occur in your body can be changed by changing your diet. In this case, you may want to consider reducing the amount of animal fat you eat. Eat many more fruits and vegetables. [raw vegetables wherever possible].

What you drink can also affect how much sweat your body makes, any drink that contains caffeine or alcohol can cause your sweat glands to overcompensate. So it would be best to regulate this type of drink.

Also think about reducing large meals, eat more, maybe 5 or 6 meals a day, but keep them smaller. This means your digestion doesn’t need to work overtime to get rid of these heavy meals. In addition to this, exercise more.

You’ll find that in addition to helping your feet stop sweating, you’ll feel better and possibly lose weight. Unfortunately, being overweight is a condition that seems to promote excessive sweating.

Genetics can sometimes come into play, perhaps you could know that one or both of your parents suffered from this particular problem, and this would partly explain why you are suffering now.

Fortunately, excessive hand and foot sweating seems to respond quite well to different types of treatment.

There are what I consider radical treatments, that is, surgical cures. These don’t appeal to everyone because of how they work. One way would be to cut the nerves that connect to the sweat glands and tell them when to work and when not to. I’m not sure I want to recommend surgical procedures to anyone because they can lead to complications.

There are many cures for excessive sweating and I have mentioned just a few of them. I think ultimately it’s up to the individual to try different methods to find one that works well for them. Not all people are the same, therefore not all treatments will have the same effect.

Trial and error may have to be the name of the game in this case.

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