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How to make money with NLP

Do you want to make more money? Of course yes! In this article I will show you how Neuro Linguistic Programming can help you make more money in your career, business and how to do it without selling your soul.

Here’s how to make money with NLP:

1. Get that big raise

If you know what you want, NLP can help you get it. If you did your job 10 times better, do you think your boss or employer would give you a raise? I bet they would!

Here is a simple 3 step process that will get you a raise.

  1. Do your job better and stand out

  2. Communicate your value to “people in power”

  3. Communicate your desire for a raise

That’s really all it takes for you to get the raise you want. This is basic common sense.

Applying the goal setting and communication strategies from NLP practitioner trainings will give you the inner confidence and power to do it.

When you remove the limitations, you will become that star employee. Any decent employer would gladly recognize the value of paying more for someone who does a good job. You’ll get that raise in no time.

2. Get the job you REALLY want

What is your dream job? What would you choose to do with your life if you knew you were going to be successful?

Imagine how much easier it would be for you to find a fulfilling job and also get paid with NLP skills working for you. Better communication, focus, motivation, thinking skills…all influence how easily you can create the life you want for yourself.

Whether you want to start your own business or have your eyes on the top position in the company… good old-fashioned neuro-linguistic magic can make it happen!

3. Save yourself from self-destructive addictions

Although this article is about how to make money with NLP… I also have to mention the importance of saving money.

Millions of people suffer from uncontrollable addictions that take money out of their pockets week after week, month after month, year after year. How much of your income do you waste on things that don’t satisfy you in the long run?

The bottom line here is that you want more dollars in your pocket. Well, sometimes the easiest way to get more dollars is to stop wasting what you already have.

Addictions are not just the obvious common ones like smoking, alcohol, or drugs. They are also things like shopping, eating fast food, or porn.

If you have an addiction that costs you only $5 a day, that’s $1,825 a year!

Imagine what you could do with all that money saved! That would buy a lot of groceries. You could take a vacation, put down a down payment on a new car, or invest and let it grow.

Neuro Linguistic Programming can help you overcome those addictions and get your cash flow under control!

4. Become a life coach

How would you like to be paid for helping people improve their lives? That is exactly what a life coach does. Neurolinguistic Programming comes with a whole series of tools, techniques and communication strategies for coaches.

The best part of using a system like this is that it works. And let me tell you something… If you can help people get better results in their career, relationships, health, or other common pain points, they’ll gladly pay you lots of money to help.

I was trained in the art of coaching when I did my NLP practitioner and teacher trainings… The formula is really easy to learn and it works.

The best part is that you can earn anywhere from $100 to $250 (or even more) per hour working from home! If you don’t want to see clients in person, you can do phone coaching (it’s a growing and booming industry).

5. Become a speaker/training

NLP has a history of producing incredible speakers. A good speaker is able to move audiences and change the perspectives of their listeners. This means that you become VERY influential.

Now here’s the important part…influential speakers get paid a lot of money.

Most corporate, government, and private organizations have large budgets entirely dedicated to bringing in speakers for their employees and students to learn from.

Why do they do this? Because a really good speaker has the power to change your mind. A good speaker can help organizations improve and become better, which translates into better long-term results.

Do you want to have skills worth investing in? Become a speaker with the power of NLP and you will do very well. Very. Well. Indeed.

6. Use NLP in sales

One of the most popular applications of NLP is in sales. That’s because there is a lot of money available if you can really sell things effectively.

NLP teaches how to sell amazingly well. That’s because you learn to put your product or service in the best light. It teaches how to communicate value in a way that resonates with people and fits within their values.

Every buyer is different. Everyone has a unique way of thinking about the world. You have to communicate the way your customer thinks if you hope to help them buy your product or service.

This is essential whether you’re selling the latest widget or selling yourself to a potential client or employer.

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