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How to make conversation enjoyable

As a communication coach, people often reveal to me that they find most of the conversations boring and that they only have them out of politeness. They want to interact with people who have more enthusiasm, more wit, and have fun joking around.

Learn to make a pleasant conversation and you will be the solution to a problem that many people encounter in social situations. When you’re that funny, skillful conversationalist that people rarely meet, they’ll be drawn to you like iron to a magnet.

Conversation is made enjoyable by a few simple but relevant things. I am going to share them with you, so that you can consciously apply them in social settings and thus, little by little, improve your conversational style.

focus on the positive

The atmosphere of a conversation is largely determined by the nature of the content. If two people in a discussion talk mainly about the bad things in their lives, world catastrophes, disasters and threats, they will not feel good and will not enjoy that talk.

It is important to focus conversations on positive topics. A pleasant conversation arises from the positive content that is shared by two or more people. Talk about the good things in your life, your passions, hopes, and positive experiences. Also, navigate the discussion using questions so that the other person also talks about positive things.

make jokes frequently

You can often tell a nice conversation by the fact that the people involved in it laugh a lot. The fact is that, beyond a positive approach, pleasant discussions often include a solid dose of humor as well.

You can add this dose of humor even to a stale conversation. The key is to continually ask yourself while you’re chatting with a person, “What’s a fun way to look at this topic?” Don’t pressure yourself to find the humor and make jokes, just allow yourself to see the humor in things.

find common ground

People today have many options and their interest can vary quite a bit. In such circumstances, it’s challenging to focus on common ground and talk about something that both parties find interesting.

That’s why you’ll often find conversations where one person talks with relative passion, while the other is bored. They just don’t have a similar degree of interest in the topic being discussed.

Try to avoid these types of situations, keeping both your interests and those of the other person in mind during any conversation. Navigate the chat into common territory, even if the other person may have a tendency to sidetrack you.

Don’t take it too seriously

Finally, it’s crucial to realize that engaging in pleasant conversation is fundamentally a matter of attitude. If you’re tense and nervous, if you think you need to impress the other person but you don’t do it very well, it’s hard to have a fun, positive presence.

Learn not to take conversations too seriously by learning not to care too much about how others see you. It’s not the end of the world if a person doesn’t like you. Relax, chat authentically, and let go of expectations.

What’s interesting is that as you adopt this detached mindset, you turn on your witty and fun side much more easily. This is the key to making a pleasant conversation.

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