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How to fix Windows Live Messenger error 800401f3

The 800401f3 error is displayed when you try to sign in to Windows Live Messenger and cannot process the sign in. This error is caused by a faulty / corrupted internet connection, something preventing the program from connecting to the internet or by another error within the Windows system. Fortunately, it is actually very easy to fix this error by following 3 easy steps to repair the problems that often cause it.

The 800401f3 error typically displays like this:

Error 800401f3: The service is temporarily unavailable.

To fix error 800401f3, you must first make sure that you are using the correct login details. Try typing your login details one letter at a time, as many people simply get a wrong password or type their email the wrong way. If you try this 3 times and find that you cannot log in, it is probably not the cause of this problem.

You should also check if your internet connection is working fine. Since Windows Live Messenger relies on the Internet to function, if you have a problem with the Internet, it will deny you access to the service. To test your internet connection, you need to load Google and search for a random set of words. This will allow you to see if it will be able to load a new page, and if it doesn’t, you should call your internet company to make sure you have a secure connection.

If you find that your Internet connection is working, you can try using a “registry cleaner” to solve the problem. Registry cleaners are often used to stop errors on Windows PCs because of the way they can repair various problems that make software programs act strange. They are all designed to clean your PC’s “registry,” which is where Windows stores all the settings, options, and information that your system requires to function. The registry is a very important part of your computer, but it is also one of the main causes of error 800401f3, as when Windows Live wants to log in, it often cannot read the correct registry settings that it requires, causing it to display the error. . To fix this problem, it is recommended that you use a “registry cleaner” to repair all corrupted registry settings within this part of Windows.

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