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How to control female hormones

What are hormones and why are they important? Hormones are a vitally important part of our body. Hormones help us grow, develop our metabolism, mood, sexual function, even how your body responds to environmental changes, not to mention the composition of our blood. The hormone estrogen is what helps keep our bones hard, our skin looking young and shiny, and it also helps prevent coronary artery disease, strokes, colon cancer, hot flashes, and even night sweats. (in some people).

The hormone progesterone is also vital for female hormones as it helps prepare the body for conception and pregnancy. Your body automatically produces more

Progesterone during the second half of your menstrual cycle and after the egg is released. During the beginning of a pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high to help maintain the pregnancy. Progesterone is important for many different functions in our body, for example raising body temperature during ovulation, normalizing inflammation, acting as a muscle relaxant, modulating the immune system, influencing libido, helping to convert stored fat into energy and prevent endometrial cancer.

Testosterone is also an important hormone for women, although we consider it to be more of a male hormone. Testosterone’s main functions are to build lean muscle mass, influence libido, and help us feel emotionally balanced. All of these hormones work together to keep our bodies in optimal health.

Women are often the ones who take the kids here and there, cook dinner, cook lunches, and the millions of other things that need to be done during the day. Because of this, women don’t always take care of their own body. But it is vitally important to keep your body in healthy operation.

In an attempt to stay healthy, we take doctor-prescribed medications for these imbalances. Many of these drugs are derived from animal hormones. An example is a particular drug that is derived from horse urine. How disgusting is that! This drug is not only linked to an increased risk of coronary artery disease, but also to strokes and cancer. Synthetic progesterone, as in birth control pills, has been linked to breast cancer, depression, and vaginal bleeding. These drugs can cause your risk of breast cancer. These drugs can also stay in the body for up to 10 years.

Then, what are we going to do? What other answers do we have? Well luckily we have some natural remedies that are showing great results for our low hormone levels. I use a product called Endoflex. One great thing about Endoflex is that it was safe to use while pregnant and did not affect the baby. It also helped my hormonal balance during pregnancy and reduced my postpartum depression. This is a great way to go when you are on the brink of menopause. Another product my friend has used is called Progessence Plus. At the age of 30, he underwent a hysterectomy after many health problems. She searched for years to find something natural that would take her away from synthetic medication. He could never find anything that worked well until we both started using these products. She has had great results using this. Vicki has also had excellent results using PD 80/20 after her hysterectomy. She uses a mix of Endoflex and PD 80/20 for her hot flashes and balance. PD 80/20 helps maintain the balance of the body while it can also help prevent premature aging.

I know we are all different, so results may vary.

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