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How intuition can improve your writing

There are 7 Basic Principles that underlie the success of every conscientious and creative writer. These principles have to do with accessing the correct state of consciousness and applying the correct mindset to his writing and all activities related to his authorship, for the best results on all levels.

The third fundamental principle is Intuition. An important gateway to conscious creativity, intuition works beyond the mind and opens the way for intuitive writing. Rising above thought, but using the mind as a vehicle, intuition is a distinctive sense of Knowing and will guide you every step along the path to successful published authorship – and beyond.

The hallmark of intuition is immediate and direct knowledge without the conscious use of reasoning. Intuition is often based on information just below or beyond awareness and leads to snap decisions made without rationality.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung proposed that intuition is one of the four ways humans process the world (along with sensing, thinking, and feeling), and his pioneering work on right-brain processes has contributed greatly to our current understanding.

When it comes to writing, intuition plays a major role in capturing and communicating your most original and inspired ideas. Intuitive writing will always deliver deeper, richer, and more meaningful ideas and stories than your rational mind can generate.

Readers resonate with intuitive writing on many different levels, and this leads to a more rewarding reading experience. As a result, you’ll likely build a loyal following as a writer’s intuitive, and your audience will look forward to having your next article, short story, or book(s) available to them.

So here are 3 tips to improve your writing by accessing your intuition:

1. Practice deep listening.
One of the keys to unlocking intuition is deep listening, and there are two components of this comprehensive listening approach that are valuable skills that all writers should cultivate:

    outside listening It involves listening to the world around you with curiosity about life, people and relationships… inner listening it involves turning your attention inward to what is going on deep inside of you. This is an important gateway to intuition and when practiced regularly it will bring immense rewards.

Take a few moments before writing to listen deeply. Close your eyes, relax your muscles, deepen your breath, and see what you can discover by concentrating all your attention on listening.

2. Ask your intuition for answers to questions and guidance on important decisions related to your writing or any aspect of your authorship.

I am not suggesting that you should use your intuition to deliver facts and figures. Your rational mind is perfectly capable of performing that task for you.

Your intuition is better suited to uncovering deeper questions, such as creating new content and developing ideas or exploring which direction to take your writing.

Spend some time right before you go to bed to calm your body and mind. Then state your question clearly and write it in your journal. Set the intention to receive the response and then let it go.

Review your thoughts and feelings in the morning and do some writing as soon as possible to discover the ideas that have risen to the surface of your conscious mind. As with all of these techniques, true success comes with practice.

3. Act as if your intuition is your most important inner guide.
If you build a sense of trust in your intuition, it will soon be your most important ally!

In the early stages of developing your intuition, it is important to suspend your disbelief long enough to experience the results you are seeking.

A good way to do this is to act as if you already have a strong connection to your intuition and the rewards it has to offer.

Start with small steps taken one at a time to build your confidence and your experience of being in touch with your intuition, and pay attention to each success, however small. Build your belief gradually to enjoy the contribution that intuition has to make in your writing journey.

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