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How can diabetes be prevented today?

If you come from a family with a history of the disease, how you can prevent diabetes must be the million dollar question somewhere in the back of your mind. It can be prevented or even reversed if you have already been diagnosed.
Unfortunately, many suffer from it, they do not know that it is reversible and preventable. Like most things in life, it involves a decision that only you can make. You can choose the right lifestyle, diet, and daily exercise routine.
Early signs of diabetes may include being thirsty all the time, frequent urination, tiredness, weight loss, muscle wasting, frequent infections or slow-healing sores, itching around the vagina or penis, regular bouts of thrush, and blurred vision. .
If you are currently experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor, as they may also be symptoms of other conditions.
Assuming all is clear, how can you really prevent diabetes? Doing simple things like:

  • Sleep 7 to 9 hours a day. Make sure you always get the right amount of restful sleep. This allows your body to repair and rejuvenate itself.
  • Have a daily exercise routine that is fun. Exercise prevents sugar from building up in the blood, helps the body’s ability to use insulin, and helps control weight.
  • Eat live food instead of dead food and don’t overeat.
  • Drink plenty of water, especially alkaline filtered water every day. The ideal is to drink daily the equivalent of half your body weight. Do not wait until you are thirsty, as thirst is a sign that your body is already dehydrated.
  • Eat high-quality fish oils or omega-3 fats. You can take the supplement.
  • Avoid excess sugar.
  • Find a way to reduce stress. Whenever you have chest pain stress, it is an indication that your hormones may be harming your health. Laughter is good medicine, so practice laughing more.
  • Increase antioxidant levels in your body as you age, either naturally or with supplements. Make sure you don’t overdose on supplements.
  • Practice a lifestyle of forgiveness and generosity.

How can you prevent diabetes by taking that break for freedom today?

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