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House Cleaning Tips From Work At Home Moms

As a work from home mom of 4 kids who are with me ALL day, people often wonder how I can get it all done. So I decided to share some of my “House Cleaning Tips for Work-at-Home Moms” with you.

Be reasonable and lower your expectations when it comes to chores.

Remember… YOU ARE a working mom. You can do that work from home, but you also do it with small children under your feet. You deserve a pat on the back, not a guilty feeling.

Decide what is important to you and your family and focus on those tasks.

For example… in my house, the kitchen is always cleaned quickly after it gets dirty. My “icky factor”

it’s a filthy sink. Besides, we’re in that room more than any other. Bathrooms and kitchens are more important than other rooms because of the hygiene factor. A little dust or children’s toys underfoot? Who cares? Also, as my sister, mom of 4, always says, stepping on Legos is free acupressure. My husband, on the other hand, likes flats. The whole house might be a pigsty, but if the floors are clean, the house is clean for him. So I make it a point to vacuum before I get home.

What makes your house clean? Make sure those tasks get done, which for most people means having a simple routine that is done without thinking. As for the rest…

Delegate, outsource or procrastinate.

Decide what you can delegate to your husband, your children, or a teenager eager to earn a few bucks. I think the best way to spend $20 on your home business is to pay a mom’s helper to come in for several hours and clean or play with her kids while she does business. Make sure you have a long to-do list ready so you don’t waste time checking email or reading blogs. (Who me?)

Your children may be paid surprisingly small amounts of money to do cleaning that goes beyond their usual chores. Don’t feel guilty for doing this. I know a 6-year-old boy who is a richer Jabba the Hutt Lego set because of all the dimes and quarters he earned vacuuming. Ahem.

Procrastinate tasks that require the same amount of time, whether they are done daily or weekly. Dishes, for example, take longer to make the longer they sit. Vacuuming and dusting take the same amount of time whether you do it daily or weekly.

And outsource… as soon as you can afford it, pay someone to do the housework while you focus on more important tasks. And if you can’t do that, invite someone on a play date. It’s amazing how much energy you can pack in when company arrives and how quickly you can clean up too!

Teach your children to clean up after themselves.

This is not being a strict parent. It’s doing your future daughters-in-law a favor. Even a 2 year old

it can be gently trained to put dirty clothes in the hamper. It helps when you have one in your room. Make it a routine, make up a song about it, do what you have to do.

A child as young as 3 can be taught to pick up toys (sometimes they need a little supervision to keep up), carry dirty dishes to the sink, clean up spills, etc.

A 5 or 6 year old can be taught how to dust, clean glass surfaces, sweep under the table, and even vacuum.

Use the if/then technique.

“Oh, you want some yogurt? When you pick up those books, you might have some.” “We will have time to go to the park if we collect all these toys”… you get the idea.

And as for my husband? Well, my personal rule is… if he doesn’t make it to the basket, he doesn’t wash. His experience may be different.

Use shortcuts.

If it’s a nice day, have the kids eat lunch or snack outside. There is no table, chairs and floor to clean.

Reserve cleansing baths for when your toddler is in the tub. You have to be there anyway.

Be sure to use a totally non-toxic cleaner.

The best time to clean your shower or tub is right after you’ve used it…hot steamy water loosens up any grime. Open your mail on the trash can. Immediately dispose of all trash.

And here is a word of caution. Don’t fall into the trap of running like crazy during naps or after bed doing all the cleaning. You need this time to pamper yourself a bit (if you’re lucky enough to have kids who still nap!) and have some quiet time alone or with your husband.

Being a work-at-home mom is full of challenges, but with a little creativity and flexibility, you can have a thriving business and a tidy home.

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