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Homes for sale – Staging tips

When homes for sale come on the market, the owner expects a quick sale, but sometimes it can take a couple of months before that happens. Even if he has potential buyers looking at his house, he may still take a while. There are some staging tips homeowners can use to help make a faster sale. One of the purposes of preparing homes for sale is to help buyers feel that their home offers everything they are looking for in a home. It’s all about presentation and preparation with the goal of getting a higher market value for your home and selling it faster.

One important thing to remember before potential buyers enter the house is to get rid of clutter and dirt. Make sure things, especially personal things, are packed and stored. This can include family photos, extra books on the tables, etc. You should also make sure that your bathroom and kitchen counters are clean and tidy. Clean stove and refrigerator doors. Dishes should not be left in the dishwasher or on the counter draining board. If you have a cat, don’t leave her litter box in plain sight but instead move it to the porch or even the garage. You want the prospective buyer to look at your home and be able to see your stuff there.

Move furniture away from windows if possible so potential buyers can see out of the windows and out into the garden. Make sure windows are clean and streak-free. Make sure the curtains are open to let in natural light. If you have hardwood floors, make sure they are clean. Look at the furniture in the rooms and if you can move some for storage, do so. Too much furniture can make rooms look smaller and cluttered. On the capes and chairs, don’t overload them with cushions.

Go through your closets and pack any out-of-season clothes or clothes you’re not wearing and put those away, too. When potential buyers are looking at homes for sale, they’ll want to open closets to check out the room to see if it’s big enough for them, so you want them to be able to do that. You don’t want shoppers to see a cluttered closet. The same goes for kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets. If there are lights in the closets, make sure they are working.

You should also look at the exterior of your house to make sure that the lawn is neatly mowed and that the flower beds are neat and tidy.

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