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home cures for head lice

Head lice are parasites that live on the outside of the body on the scalp. They are not inherently dangerous, but they can weaken the hair root and eventually hair loss. For this reason and for aesthetic purposes, you should try to get rid of lice with these home remedies.

Squeeze all the juice out of a medium-sized onion and rub the onion juice all over your scalp. Leave it on for about three to four hours before shampooing your hair to get rid of dead lice. Since this does not remove the nits, you should do this procedure for at least three consecutive days so that when new lice grow from the nits, you can remove them as well. Do this on day 7, which is the last possible day the nits could produce lice so you can get rid of the last lice.

Use a raw custard apple and finely grind it into a powder, including the apple seeds. Rub it into your hair before you go to bed at night and then tie it inside some kind of cloth. In the morning, remove the cloth and wash your hair to get rid of all the dead lice. You can do this in a week to get rid of any dead lice that have hatched since the first treatment.

Take about 6 teaspoons of water and 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Use a cotton swab or cotton ball and place the solution close to the scalp of the head. Then cover yourself with a cloth and tie it up. Wake up in the morning and wash the solution and dead lice out of your hair. This is also a good anti-dandruff treatment.

Get some shareefa from a herbalist or health food store. They come as a seed that needs to be ground. Take the ground seeds and apply to the scalp all over the head. Keep the sharifa on your head for a total of two hours. Then wash your hair to get rid of dead lice.

Get some leaves from the neem tree (about three or four) and put them in a hundred grams of coconut oil. You can try to get some neem tree leaves from a herbalist’s shop. Put the oil on your head and let it act for a few hours. Then comb your hair to get rid of dead lice and nits. Coconut oil will help you get rid of nits. You can then wash the coconut oil out of your hair. You should keep this concoction in a sealed container so that the essences of the neem tree leaves remain within the coconut oil.

Use a camphor extract to apply to your hair. This can be obtained from a health food store. Leave it on for a couple of hours before washing it out of your hair. This is an excellent home cure for head lice.

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