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Hollywood Boulevard Star – Karmic Balance

Unlike Robin Williams and other celebrities of film and screen, you may not have a gold star slapped on the pavement with your handprint, but you are the star player of your life. When you strip away all the pomp and ceremony of each celebrity, you’re left with only one thing: an individual human being! A human being who likes you or me came into this world at birth with a life plan. A blueprint for a life that was designed and prepared with our agreement, specifically chosen to enable us to develop on all levels, both physical and metaphysical, and to help us achieve karmic balance.

Those of us who have lived many lifetimes come back each time with higher spiritual contracts. We agree to take on the challenges and in order for us to evolve further during each lifetime, those challenges tend to increase in difficulty, but in tandem with our ability to successfully complete them. If we’re lucky, we complete the challenge, and in doing so, pay off our karmic debt as a result, free to face a more difficult challenge the next time until we’ve achieved our ascension. At all times, we are faced with a simple choice… Do we fight for the solution or give up because it’s too hard!

In order for us to have this choice, we were given the safety net of “Free Will” in each incarnation we choose to live. We can choose to play this fail-safe “get out of jail card” if we tire of the challenge in a given life. But unlike the board game, freedom comes at a price. If in life we ​​choose to use the ‘Get Out of Jail’ card, freedom can only be obtained by facing the same challenge in another incarnation, until that karmic debt has been faced and overcome.

Those who choose to walk out of their lives by their own hand must unfortunately face that challenge again in another life. It is not about judgment but about spiritual growth, development and ascension! We are the only judges in our lives!

In conclusion, therefore, I honor Robin Williams and his personal use of his ‘free will’ which he used to deflect from his personal challenges. However, like everyone else who made this decision, he will have to face this challenge in a future incarnation on earth. His actions show his humanity and how fame and celebrity, wealth or material gain have no relation to our Spirituality. I wish Robin the best in his time in the afterlife, where his Spirit can heal and reflect before his reincarnation.

His passing is a valuable opportunity for each of us to reflect on our own challenges in this life, our Spiritual Contract, and how we intend to complete our journey so that our personal karmic debt is successfully balanced. It is also a clear reminder that you are not alone in this world, you can choose to seek help and receive it to help you on your journey, no one said you have to complete your tasks alone! But you have to make that decision because you want to end the contract this time.


yvonne clarke


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