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Golf facts and curiosities

Looking for ways to impress your friends? Whether you’re on the golf courses or just hanging out at the local pub, golf facts can always be helpful. Show customers you know what you’re doing while entertaining them on the course, or intimidate your golf opponent with little-known facts about the game. The following golf facts will bring you up to speed.

Our first golf facts are related to the invention of the game. Did you know that golf was first invented on the coast of Scotland in the 15th century? However, it was not until 1774 that golf was played professionally in the way it is played today. And when the rules were first written, there were only 13.

Our second set of golf data has to do with courses. In 2005, there were 32,000 golf courses in the world with about 16,000 golf courses in the United States. Florida has the most golf courses in the United States with about 1,100, followed by California with 950. The oldest public golf course in the United States is Van Cortlandt in New York City. It opened in 1895. The oldest golf course in the world is The Old Links in Musselburgh, Scotland, where golf has been played since 1672!

Our final set of golf data deals with all the technical aspects. A golf ball must have a diameter of no less than 42.67 mm and cannot exceed a mass of 45.93 g. All golf holes must be exactly 4.25 inches in diameter. A player cannot carry more than fourteen clubs when officially playing by the rules (generally only applicable in professional tournaments). And did you know that four low blows is called “condor”?

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