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Give yourself a hot foot massage (then teach your spouse to do it for you)

I am writing this article as I anticipate the sixth consecutive weekend of snow in Denver, CO. I can’t help but think about the cold (it’s currently in the high 20s outside). And there are times when your feet (or your hands) are so cold to the bone, and nothing less than a hot bath seems to warm them up. Unfortunately, baths aren’t always convenient, so here’s an easy way to get similar results in just a few steps.

The first thing you need is a massage glove. I mean the soft, silicone kind that you can put lotion on (this kind is especially nice since you can throw it in the washing machine later and let it air dry, no mess). The second thing you need is a reusable heat pack. The one I am familiar with is called a heart massager. It’s a heart-shaped plastic gel pack. It is small, portable and gets very hot on demand. Inside the gel is a small metal disk that starts a chemical reaction when pinched. This chemical reaction causes the gel to crystallize and give off heat. That little heart can go up to 129 degrees and it feels wonderful. The last thing you need is a lotion. I highly recommend something along the lines of a cream to really hydrate the skin.

Once you have your tools together, go ahead and activate your heart heat pack. Knead it a little to smooth it out. Turn your massage mitt inside out (you want the massage side of the mitt to be on the inside). Place your heart inside the glove to warm it up. While your mitt is heating up, generously (and I mean generously. Don’t hold back!) dab the lotion on one foot. Place the glove on the floor in front of you with the massage side down. Depending on how sensitive your skin is (or how cold your feet are) you have a couple of options. You can slide your foot into the glove under the heart, so that your foot rests on the massage portion of the glove and the heart rests on your foot. However, the heart may be too hot to rest directly on your skin. If this is the case, take out the heart and put it under the glove so that the heat seeps into the glove. Now just rub your foot against the massage mitt and try not to purr too loudly. Repeat with the other foot. (Or if you have two of each, you can do both feet at the same time!)

You can also use this same technique to massage your hands. I recommend using the massage part of the glove on the back of your hands while holding the heart inside the glove. Once you’re done, simply toss the gloves in the washing machine and restart the heart (by boiling it for about ten minutes) at your convenience. You will be ready for the next time.

You may be wondering at this point how to get your partner involved. I have often found that the best way to get a massage from someone is to offer to do it for them first. Not only are you following the golden rule, but you can also teach them how you want it done. This subtle amount of guidance makes it easier for your partner to know what you are asking her to do when she requests a massage. A little direction can go a long way. Massage gloves also alleviate performance anxiety, since they do all the work for you. Happy relaxing!

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