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Get a flatter tummy permanently

How to get a flatter tummy permanently? The belly is the most difficult part of the body to tone, and many healthy and fit people still have love handles or sagging in the belly, despite a lot of hard work and many diet attempts.

Why is this? Our stomachs have two layers of fat that surround the abdominal muscles, and these layers of fat are the last to respond to efforts to reduce fat. So, to get a flatter tummy, the rest of your body needs to be in good shape as well.

That means all the shortcuts to a flatter tummy that are advertised in magazines and on TV are not worth it. In fact, any solution that claims to focus solely on your stomach or belly simply won’t work.

There are no shortcuts to a flatter tummy, plain and simple. However, achieving a toned stomach is possible with the right approach. This approach not only targets the stomach muscles and stomach fat, but also targets the entire core of the body.

The correct approach is not exclusively a diet, nor is it exclusively an exercise routine. The reality is that the only successful approach is a sensible combination of both, with an emphasis on what you are feeding yourself.

And eating is key. You must eat enough to fuel the fat-burning hormones in your body if you want to effectively attack the stubborn belly fat that plagues most of us.

Starvation diets or diets that deprive the body of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and other nutrients may show temporary results, but you surely want a permanent solution. There are no magic pill solutions; they usually cause dehydration and water loss, and while it may seem like it has resulted in weight loss, it is only temporary and bad for you too.

Poor hydration will cause your skin to age prematurely, as if you were a regular smoker.

So stay away from short cut solutions. Because the best solution doesn’t take that long and lasts forever with a little maintenance.

What you need to achieve a flatter abdomen is very simple. You need a sensible eating plan that fuels your body effectively while also unleashing the fat-burning power needed to get rid of stomach fat.

Along with that, you need a smart core strength training program that strengthens your entire core. Only in this way will the abdominal muscles be properly toned.

Basic resistance exercises go further. They are better than cardiovascular exercises to activate the burning of abdominal fat. And if you follow the right program, you will continue to burn fat even while you sleep.

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