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Five main ways a pet can improve its health

If you’ve ever owned a dog and sadly experienced its loss, then you know how much it has meant to you and how close it has become. Now you can truly say that a dog was part of your family because you have experienced this wonderful relationship.

A dog contributes a lot to our lives and the life of our family, but sometimes we can overlook how much.

While a dog gives us unconditional love, there are many other real and tangible benefits to improving its health, such as mental, physical, social and emotional benefits.

1. Improve mental health

Today, studies increasingly show that pets improve our state of mental health. Many years ago, the dogs were brought into the wards of the psychiatric hospital as evidence to help calm patients, as well as to encourage them to cooperate. Today we know that dogs can dramatically improve our mood.

Have you ever felt sad or depressed and your dog brought you his ball to play with? How did he make you feel, especially if he was panting and wagging his tail while looking into your eyes? Most likely, your mood has changed and you have started playing ball with your dog. This is a perfect example of how a dog can trigger an automatic change in his mood and bring him out of a depression. The unconditional love offered by a dog can also cause positive chemicals to be released in the brain, warning of negative stressful chemicals (such as cortisol) found in fight or flight syndrome. When positive events are experienced, mental health improves tremendously.

2. Improves emotional state

Dogs greatly improve the emotional state of their owners. Have you ever had a dog and it automatically came to you when you were crying and licked your tears? Studies show that a dog innately responds to its owner’s emotions and will therefore easily respond to them. Studies show that dog owners are happier than people who don’t have dogs.

3. Help with physical health

Thanks to research, we now know that people who have a dog as a pet are healthier than people who don’t. Dog owners have a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. For people who have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or seizures, their dogs can often help and alert their owners when a negative episode is about to occur. This could save the life of its owner!

4. Help with socialization and fitness

A dog can help defend against depression, anxiety, and panic. Having a dog to socialize with is a great way to get out of the house for many people.

Socializing your dog is vital to its well-being. This is a great reason for you to get out of the house and get some fresh air with your dog. Walking, jogging, running, and hiking are great ways to keep fit for both you and your dog. It could even include swimming and biking! There are many owners who socialize with their dogs in this way, allowing you and your furry friend to stay fit and proper.

Dogs are exceptional creatures to help improve the lives of their humans. I hope everyone has a dog in their home, they won’t regret it. I have always had a dog in my house and I cannot imagine myself without one.

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