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Find the flow

When we are flowing, we are in the zone, that beautiful place of creative expression. It is usually accompanied with ease, grace, and a loss of sense of time. Flow is a place where new ideas sprout and grow. It is where we feel energized and committed to creative pursuit. In short, flowing feels great.

Who don’t you want to flow?

But where do we find the flow? And how do we move towards it when we are recovering from the world around us??

TThe past year has been triggering, disturbing, distracting, overwhelming, and, for some of us, downright traumatizing. It has left many of us feeling completely and completely exhausted. It has been easy, even necessary, to return to old coping habits that allow us to escape, disconnect and numb our feelings.

And it is extremely difficult to flow when we experience any of the above.

SOr, if this is where you are, you should know that you have my compassion and my deep understanding. And, along with my compassion, I bring you some advice so that you can rediscover your flow. Tips I use all the time to get back at my own pace.

Stay with your feelings – Feelings, when hugged, will start to dissipate and feel more manageable. This will allow you to stay in the moment, and it is in the moment that we find flow.

Put your energy in motion – Don’t wait for motivation. Move your body daily. Yoga, walks, workouts, dance. The movement will break the stagnant energy, helping you to flow.

Take a step –– Start. Boost momentum by doing one small thing at a time. We throttle our flow by focusing only on the massive work we have to do. Instead, focus on one thing at a time and you will succeed. This helps you stay present, in the moment, and will increase feelings of accomplishment and flow.

Let go of stagnant habits – Easier said than done. truth? Yes, definitely, but here is a way to start.

First, clear up the habits that keep you stuck. Notice what feelings trigger the desire to indulge in a habit. Stay with these feelings. As you indulge in your habit, watch what happens to your sense of flow. There is no judgment here, just mindfulness. Remember: limiting habits start out as coping strategies. The key is to stay with the feelings we are trying to avoid. Again, staying with your feelings will process them and become more manageable. This in itself will facilitate the flow.

Use energy at work – The goal of energy work is to help stagnant energy move into a healthy flow. Recurring habits, reactions, and emotions indicate that the flow of energy has been interrupted. Practices like EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting, Acupuncture, along with other energy modalities, are effective in eliminating flow interruptions.

Wishing you abundant flow,


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