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Feeding Time Leopard Gecko – How To Feed Your Leo

Leopard geckos eat nothing but live insects, which move, jump, wriggle and crawl. When it’s time to feed, drop those crickets into the cage and watch them run for their lives. Your Leo will know exactly what to do with it.

Your Leopard Gecko’s Diet

Leopard geckos live almost exclusively on crickets and mealworms. Both can be purchased cheaply at your local pet store or caught in the garden for free.

From time to time, you can give them wax worms, small cockroaches, or mice, but these should be for special occasions. The last thing you want is a fat, spoiled Leo.

Most Leos eat every other day, and you can expect to feed them 4-6 insects. For babies, give them little mealworms at first and then graduate to little crickets.

Don’t forget the vitamins

Just as important to your Leo’s diet are vitamin supplements. You MUST feed them vitamin supplements and there is a great way to do this called “gut loading”.

Gut loading means keeping your insects for about 24 hours before feeding time and letting them eat leaves and fruit. Your leopard gecko then eats the unsuspecting insects and gets the vitamins naturally from its food.

The “shake and bake” method

If you don’t like to breed insects, you can spray them before feeding. The “shake and bake” method of spraying involves putting the bugs in a plastic bag with the powdered vitamin and then shaking them until they are covered with it. Now, feed the lions.

You should feed them calcium and reptile multivitamins. Both are available cheaply at pet stores. It is also a good idea to leave a tray with calcium powder in the cage at all times so that they can suck on a vitamin whenever they want.

Always watch how your Leo eats. This will help you get an idea of ​​whether you are giving them the right amount. Sometimes switching from one type of food to another is a good idea to vary the diet a bit. But be sure to stick to a strict feeding routine. Don’t spoil your lizard!

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