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Eczema on the eyelid: the terror of having swollen eyes

There are few things more petrifying than waking up in the morning to a face you no longer recognize. The eczema on her eyelid has caused her eyes to be red, itchy, swollen, and swollen, giving her an appearance close to that of Mrs. Puff from SpongeBob SquarePants. It’s true that the sweet and endearing character of her is loved by other characters on the show, but you’re not a Bikini Bottom denizen. You have to deal with reality, where red and puffy eyes are not considered attractive.

If this is the first time you’ve encountered eyelid eczema, there are a couple of things you need to understand. First of all, eczema of the eyelids is just a symptom that you have a skin condition known as eczema. It’s just your body’s way of telling you that you have this type of condition. What happens with eczema is that the skin is much more sensitive than that of a normal person who does not have eczema. As a consequence, people with eczema are more likely to develop skin rashes after being exposed to some substances. It’s also important to know that an eczema rash doesn’t appear on your eyelids simply because your eczema “felt” like it was breaking out. Eczema on the eyelid only appears because it is triggered.

Fortunately, eyelid eczema is not as itchy as eczema on other parts of the face and body. The explanation behind this is that since the skin on the eyelids has fewer nerve endings, the skin irritation that occurs due to eczema does not cause as much nerve irritation. Therefore, only mild itching can be felt with this eczema symptom. However, because the eyelids are rich in blood supply, what happens is that when inflammation occurs in these areas, they swell up quite quickly. And that is why the eyelids swell easily after being exposed to an irritant. The skin on the eyelids is also the thinnest compared to the skin on the rest of the face. This makes the eyelids the most prone to irritation.

Irritants can come in many forms. When it comes to eyelid eczema, the irritant is usually a recently eaten food. Of course, not all types of food cause eczema on the face. Usually, the foods that trigger them are those to which one is allergic. The second common cause of eyelid eczema is contact with facial skin care products such as sunscreen, eye creams, face creams, and makeup. If your skin doesn’t really like what you put on your face, then you are sure to have eczema on your face. Also, exposure to environmental allergens can trigger eczema on the eyelid. These can be the fur of your pet or any other furry animal, insect bites, pollen, and plants such as ragweed.

The good news is that eyelid eczema can be treated. On the downside, unlike other eczema symptoms like an underarm rash, diaper rash, neck rash, or face rash, you can’t apply any kind of eczema cream.

It is important to always get a doctor’s advice before applying anything to the face, especially the eyes. There is always the danger associated with a chemical coming into contact with the eyes. That is why doctors often prescribe a safer treatment that patients with eyelid eczema can use and that is taking an eczema medication.

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