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Ecological disposal of wood ash

Those lucky enough to enjoy the warmth and comfort of a fireplace or wood stove know that there is a downside to this wonderful benefit. The downside is that after the wood is burned it turns to ash and must be disposed of. Read on for one way to profit from all that ash.

Wood ash is very alkaline. Alkaline means, using the 0-14 pH scale that measures hydrogen ions in solution, the number is above 7. Alkaline is a term used interchangeably with the basic term. On this scale, 7 is neutral. Plants like blueberries, rhododendrons, and azaleas prefer slightly acidic soils, but most prefer neutral to alkaline soils, making wood ash a great way to improve and condition the soil, rather than buying commercial fertilizers. or lime.

Lime, calcium carbonate, is used to neutralize the acidity of the soil. A soil test that uses small amounts of soil from various locations in the garden, patio, or grass is mixed and tested to determine pH and nutrient levels. A guideline for adding lime is given from this sample. Ash amounts can be calculated by multiplying the recommended amount of lime by 1.5 to determine the amount of wood ash by weight required for direct application.

A rough estimate for applying ash directly to the ground is one-half cup to a 3 by 3 foot surface area. The ash that remains after burning the wood contains potash, also known as potassium carbonate, and trace elements. During combustion, nitrogen and sulfur are released as gases, but calcium, potassium, magnesium and trace elements such as copper remain.

Not all wood is equal in ash produced per pound of wood burned. Hardwoods like oak can produce 3 times more ash per pound and 5 times more nutrients per string than softwoods like spruce. Apply ashes directly as a conditioning agent or fertilizer at the rate of one-half to one pound per year per shrub or shrub. Piles of ash lumps mean a high level of salt and are harmful. 10 to 15 pounds of ash per 1,000 square feet helps keep lawns healthy. I have a large patio and I spread the ash straight from the ash bucket, just make sure the wind is at your back. Although I recommend following the guidelines given if you want a more even dispersion or if you will feel embarrassed if the patio has some spots more green than others.

Some people have ashes in the trash can, but you don’t have to. This is a more environmentally friendly ash removal method. Wood ash can be put in your garden compost bins, just be sure to mix well and turn weekly. An additional benefit of these ashes is weed control. Alkalinity kills weeds. Unfortunately, too much ash also kills the seeds, so be sure to wait at least two weeks before planting seeds after spreading compost in the garden if it contains wood ash. If you want to put the ash in garden compost bins, it is important to spray in layers.

When handling the ash directly, it is best to wear gloves because the ash can be as alkaline as bleach and very fine, so you may want to wear a mask. Another method of addition is to make a scooped spot on the layer and put the small amount of ash in that hole, then make sure to mix all the contents completely. It turns out to be about one cup for every square foot of compost being made.

I enjoy a fireplace during the fall and winter months. Burning wood creates a large amount of ash that can be removed by an eco-friendly method of direct addition to the soil or in garden compost bins or in a compost bin rather than in the landfill.

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