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Dreams, aspirations, wishes: get inked dragonfly tattoos

Although the dragonfly is a small creature, it is considered one of the most graceful insects out there, with its beautiful wings and vibrant colors.

With its majestic appearance, it is not surprising that many tattoo fans choose to have dragonfly tattoos on their skin. If you want a design that represents your desires, aspirations, and dreams, be sure to get a dragonfly tattoo on your next date.

Bold Dragonfly

Most people know dragonflies as insects that spring to life from their watery pods. The dragonfly is nothing short of impressive, with its ability to give birth to 10,000 eggs at a time. Although these creatures usually start out in stagnant pools, their emergence from their cocoons proves to be a wonderful sight for most.

Dreams, Aspirations and Desires

The association of the dragonfly with a person’s wishes, dreams, and aspirations is said to stem from Native American Indian belief. They believed that these creatures guided the people around them, despite their differences in gender or age. Therefore, they attributed the dragonfly as an inspiration for people who want to pursue their aspirations, desires, and dreams.

If you are in the process of chasing your dreams, be sure to place a dragonfly tattoo in a visible area, so that you can always remember not to stop believing. Good places for this type of tattoo include the hand, wrist, and even the ankle.

happiness and joy

Various civilizations also perceive dragonflies as totems of happiness and joy. Japanese people who choose to have dragonfly tattoos do so as a means of showing their joy and elation over the events that have transpired in their lives.


With the dragonfly’s ability to give birth to thousands in a single instance, the dragonfly is usually associated with fertility. For this reason, many women love to have this design. After all, the female is the number one test of fertility, with her ability to give birth to a new being.

Although very literal, a good place to place your dragonfly tattoo is below your navel or at the location of your uterus. It can truly represent your fertility and your ability to create precious life and bring it down to earth.


Truly mythical, the Navajo Indians associated dragonflies with rebirth after a person’s loss, hardship, or struggle. If you are one of those who recently experienced a great epiphany in their life, then having a dragonfly tattoo can show you how to break through the difficulties of your previous problems.

The subconscious

As a creature that emerges from the water, the dragonfly is seen as a sign of dreams or a person’s subconscious. In the animal world, water is a totem of the mind of an individual. If you are one of those who loves to wallow in their subconscious, then the dragonfly tattoo is perfect for you.

If you want to have a tattoo with different meanings, your best option is the dragonfly tattoo. With its many symbolisms, all of which are positive meanings, tattoo enthusiasts both men and women consider it a great design.

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