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Download on your weightlifting program

For the most part, heavy lifting is the way to go. Most people don’t challenge themselves enough in the weight room and therefore don’t see the results they’re looking for.

The body responds better to changes and variations in lifting routines. Regular changes in weight, volume, exercise order, and muscle groups worked are the most effective way to achieve your desired physique.

However, it is also extremely important to have difficult weeks and easier weeks. The easiest weeks are called Deloading. Unloading is when you lower the weight and increase the repetitions approximately every 4 weeks in your lifting program, for one week. Or when your body tells you it’s time to take it easy.

Downloading is important because:

-Muscles need to be broken down without having to take too much time off. You already have your rest days between workouts. Downloading is a way to top up without having to take weeks off entirely.

-Lifting heavy objects for an extended period of time can overtax the nervous system.

-Change and variety ensure success. Don’t think of downloading as regressive. Think of it as a change in routine.

-Prevents overtraining and mental exhaustion.

-Increases progress

-Prevents injuries from overtraining

-Increases motivation. Doing the same type of routine gets a bit stale!

For example:

If you are training at a high intensity of 6-8 reps for 4 weeks then you need a deload week. Increase your reps to 12-15 and decrease the weight and number of sets. You are NOT training to fail. You’re still training until it burns out. Just not until you can’t anymore. If you are training at 80-90% intensity, a deload week would be at 55-65% intensity.

The two most important things you need to do to get a great body is to always challenge yourself, but also give yourself a chance to rest, so you can grow back stronger!

Get up for results!

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