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Does Vicks Help Foot Fungus?

Athlete’s foot is a very painful, unsightly and unforgiving foot fungus. It’s called “athlete’s foot” because it’s usually spread by bacteria found on gym floors, in gym showers, and on gym equipment. A good way to avoid this is to never enter a gym barefoot, and always wear shower shoes or flip-flops in the shower and locker room. So does Vicks help foot fungus or is it a myth?

Toenail fungus is no fun

The condition is related to ringworm of the foot or “tinea pedis.” Common symptoms include peeling, itching, peeling, and scaling between the toes and also red, dry soles. If you were unlucky enough to get it, you may be trying to find a cheaper, more natural solution than an expensive prescription or over-the-counter medication with artificial ingredients.

Natural remedies for toenail fungus

There are many natural home remedies to treat athlete’s foot. Some suggest soaking your feet in a mixture of one part vinegar to four parts water twice a day, while others recommend spraying the infected area with hydrogen peroxide twice a day for four to five days, depending on severity.

Nail fungus treatment

Another viable solution is to use Vick’s Vapor-rub which will answer the question, “Does Vicks help foot fungus?” Most homes have this to treat sore throats, coughs, and allergy symptoms. Vick has been associated with many wacky remedies, including eating a spoonful when the feeling of a cold strikes. Using it to cure athlete’s foot is probably easier to swallow, pardon the pun. The recommended way to use Vick’s to cure toenail fungus is to coat the infected area with a thick layer of Vick’s: wrap it in plastic wrap or cotton wool, secure well, and wear for a few hours. This process should be done twice a day until the infection is gone. Reports show that the infected area may become discolored, especially under the toenails, but don’t be alarmed, that’s the Vick killing the infection. It should take up to a week to start seeing results.

Toe Fungus Treatment That Works

Some speculate as to what is in Vick to cause the infection to heal. The three main ingredients are: camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol. Since the biggest way to irritate athlete’s foot is to let it breathe, menthol may be the biggest help, as menthol opens up the pores and allows air to pass through.

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