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Develop a lice remedy and strategy that works

If you have recently found lice in your home, you will need to quickly decide on a suitable remedy and strategy to combat the unwanted infestation. Although you may immediately think of going to the drugstore, you may be surprised to find out what these products contain; and it might make you think twice about reapplying the standard over-the-counter chemical remedy.

Many of the remedies available in a pharmacy will contain pesticides or silicon. The pesticides try to poison the lice and the silicon tries to soften them.

In addition to choosing an appropriate remedy that you feel is suitable for your use, you should also take the time to develop an effective strategy and plan to get rid of the bugs and eggs or nits once and for all. Your strategy should include a plan to eliminate the insects not only from affected individuals but also from household furnishings, as well as plans for preventative methods to prevent any infestation from rushing back into your home.

Choosing the right remedy for head lice

Every parent will feel differently about the remedies, and it is entirely up to you which of the many remedies you choose that you feel is right to use. One thing parents agree on as a useful tool against even the most rampant infestations is the simple nit comb.

The nit comb can be used in conjunction with all other possible remedies; however, you should not rely on the complementary plastic combs that come with over-the-counter and pharmaceutical treatments. The teeth on plastic combs tend to bend, making them ineffective after just a couple of uses. It is best to invest in a nit comb with metal teeth, as these will be much more effective and long lasting.

There are also electronic nit combs available on the market. Remember, however, that these cannot be used in the wet styling method. It is also more expensive than manual combs. Because of this, many parents stick to manual combs.

Create a strategy that suits your lice remedy

Once you have chosen your remedy, it is important to devise a strategy. Here’s a common strategy you can base yours on:

1) Apply the chosen remedy on the affected individuals (called the hosts). Follow the instructions in an online home remedy article or follow the instructions provided with chemical treatments.

2) Once you wash off the treatment, immediately pick up the nit comb. Be sure to read and research articles online for proper technique when using your comb.

3) Clean your home using methods that remove any surviving insects from bedding, towels, sheets, and toys. Remember to vacuum your car headrests as well as your mattress.

4) Use the wet combing method every day after the initial treatment and remove any insects on the scalp. You should really only find nymphs (baby bugs), but if you keep finding a lot of adult bugs during this period, your child is probably collecting fresh adult bugs from somewhere else.

5) After 7 to 10 days of the initial treatment, it is time to go through the process again. Treat the family and retire the house for another spring cleaning.

6) Use the wet styling method for another three days. As long as the chosen remedy has been effective, you should find no surviving insects, nymphs or nits on the hosts head.

Hopefully this helps you formulate a suitable strategy for use in your own situation. Some of the advice here may not apply to your situation, but you can still use it as a guide to design your own solution. Remember that the house should be treated as well as the hosts!

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