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Custom Handmade Baby Quilts

When you bring a handmade baby quilt to the shower, you will help the new baby establish her identity from the moment the quilt first touches her. That is how:

Integrate your name or initials into the design

The beauty of a handmade baby quilt that you order from a quilter on the states side is that you can tailor the design to the child. Expert Quilts are adept at embroidering the baby’s name or initials on the unique design that is being created just for this baby. Maybe you think that this force of nature that just arrived on the planet should see its name in a big, bold type. The quilter can comply. Or maybe it’s a gentle and gentle personality that the new lady will possess. That is the time for a subtle inclusion of a small name design or initials. The baby will be surrounded by the personalized quilt in the crib, in the stroller, in the car seat. Mom and Dad took a long time to select the correct name for their new little one. You have now provided a prized baby quilt that confirms your choice. And it is also a smart learning tool for baby to recognize his name at a very young age.

Choose a design in sync with the character of the family

If the newborn baby joins a family that loves to go sailing, you can put him on board with his older siblings and give him a quilt in a sailboat pattern. You will be one of the crew members from the start with a one-of-a-kind boat design with sailboats plying the waves. And before the new baby can cast a rod, she can join the fishing band with a homemade quilt with a fish motif. By the time you’re ready to bait your hook, you’ll have had fishing buddies in your playpen and when you’re using your quilt as a playmat on the floor.

Include the clothes of your loved ones in your baby quilt shower gift

Children have an idea of ​​who they are from those who came before, and what better way to remind them of their absent loved ones than a quilt made from pieces of clothing from family members? An aunt’s favorite t-shirt or a grandfather’s favorite fishing t-shirt can be part of a personalized handmade baby quilt for boys and girls. Depending on the harmony of the clothes, an imaginative quilter could include fabrics from two loved ones. Then that new baby understands his place on the family continuum and can be snuggled in the softness of the present with warm reminders of the past.

Choose handmade baby quilts for memorable gifts

There will be many foreign-made, mass-produced impersonal gifts at the baby shower that will soon be out of date, obsolete, and forgotten. Your gift of such a soft and personalized custom handmade baby quilt will long be cherished for the consideration of your choice and the lasting pleasure it brought to the baby.

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