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Crate Training a Beagle Puppy

Crate training a beagle puppy is probably the best way to house train him. Crate training will help you keep an eye on your puppy, which is very important. A crate is a safe place for your puppy to sleep and stay when you’re not home. This keeps you out of trouble and helps them control their bladder because they usually don’t go to the bathroom where they sleep. You must realize that accidents will happen and your beagle may have a few even in his cage. This is normal and as long as you continue to train, your puppy will be able to hold his bladder longer and it won’t be much of a problem anymore.

When you first get your new beagle puppy, you’ll want to start crate training him right away. Start by selecting a crate that is large enough for your pup to grow. A box is not really a box; it’s more like a dog house that you keep inside. It should be kept out of the way, but close enough so that you can hear it at night if it starts to whine. You should keep him chew toys and provide him with a blanket or dog bed to sleep on. Some people even put a small radio nearby that plays soothing music, so it’s something to think about.

You will need to have a system as to when you will keep your beagle in his crate. Not letting your beagle drink water or eat for at least 2 hours before bedtime is a good start. Taking him out to the bathroom just before putting him in the cage is also a good idea. This will help prevent accidents at night, but when your pup is very young, he may need to go to the bathroom during the night or early in the morning. It is good practice to set your alarm clock early to take your beagle to the bathroom. That way you can help prevent accidents in the cage.

Above all, remember that persistence and patience are key when crate training a beagle puppy. If you continue like this, you will start to see results. Once this happens it will be fairly easy to continue and your beagle will be slowly house trained and you will have a great dog for a long time.

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