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Craniosacral Massage – The Benefits

Craniosacral massage is a gentle and practical method of evaluating and improving the function of the craniosacral system.

It is a form of healing therapy, we discuss the benefits of craniosacral massage and examine the benefits in more detail.

What is the Craniosacral System?

The craniosacral system is a physiological system like the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and provides the physical environment in which the brain and spinal cord develop and function.

The membranes and cerebrospinal fluid of the craniosacral system surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.

Craniosacral massage therapy addresses the bones of the head, spine, sacrum, and underlying structures.

This type of massage employs very light touch and uses techniques specifically designed to release restrictions and compression in these areas.

Craniosacral massage: how does it work?

Craniosacral massage harnesses the body’s inherent wisdom that allows it to heal itself whenever possible.

The craniosacral system has a rhythm that can be felt throughout the body. Craniosacral massage therapists use very light and gentle touch to control this rhythm and pinpoint sources of obstruction and stress in the body.

Once located, the therapist will assist the natural movement and release the restriction to help the body correct itself.

Craniosacral massage therapy can be used to treat childhood conditions such as sleep deprivation, restlessness, colic, and ear infections.

It is a gentle, non-invasive therapy and can be used to treat babies while they sleep.

Craniosacral massage: is it safe for everyone?

Cranio-castrum massage is safe if performed under the right conditions.

As with most massage treatments, there are some medical conditions that are contraindicated and craniosacral massage should not be recommended.

These include conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure could cause instability.

Acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage, or other serious pre-existing bleeding disorders are examples of conditions that could be affected by small changes in intracranial pressure.

It is advisable to consult your doctor before starting a course of treatment.

Craniosacral Massage – What are the Benefits?

Due to its influence on the functioning of the central nervous system, craniosacral massage benefits the body in various ways.

It is increasingly used as a preventative health measure for its ability to boost resistance to disease and alleviate a wide range of specific medical conditions, including:

o Chronic back and neck pain



or migraine


or Chronic Fatigue

o Post-traumatic stress disorder

o Emotional difficulties

Craniosacral massage has also proven effective in treating stress-related dysfunctions and various sensory disorders.
What happens during a session?

As with most massage treatments, craniosacral massage is usually performed in a quiet, private setting.
During the massage you will remain fully clothed and it is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing. Most people choose to take off their shoes.

You will be asked to recline on a massage chair or treatment table. The practitioner sits or stands and
it will move between the client’s head, torso and feet.

Some therapists may use a light organic oil to ease the massage.

Find a qualified therapist

To get the best results from a craniosacral massage, find a properly trained and qualified therapist with whom you feel comfortable.

More and more massage therapists and osteopaths are incorporating some craniosacral massage techniques into their treatments, and you should find craniosacral massage available at spas, salons, and health clubs.

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