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Cookies that brighten your day without ruining your diet

Veganomicon, simply the best cookbook to transform from eating meat to a 100% plant-based diet, has inspired my kitchen for over 3 years. Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero’s previous books, “Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World” and “Vegan With A Vengeance” have also amassed a devoted following, and I always wondered if I wasn’t missing something.

I never really understood the hype about vegan cupcakes, because I stopped consuming animal products primarily to improve my health, and most vegan treats, while better ethically and environmentally, aren’t necessarily healthier than non-vegan ones.

Generally speaking, vegan versions of non-vegan recipes simply substitute equal amounts of plant-based fat (oil) and vegan sweeteners for animal fat (butter, eggs) instead of sugar. Many people don’t realize that some vegan dishes are even less healthy than the originals because they are made with excess oil (often fried) and salt, artificial colors and flavor enhancers.

While avoiding animal products alone is enough for many, I’ve always had a soft spot for sweet and salty snacks, and I still have a hard time resisting empty calorie foods. I don’t mean to spoil the vegan cupcake party, but did you know that a single vegan cupcake can be 400-500 calories or more (blame it on the frosting)? It’s like eating an extra meal! And who among us can eat a fraction of a cupcake?

On the other hand, I think most people find it easier to limit themselves to 1 or 2 cookies averaging 100 calories each. Eating right comes down to finding balance, and that means controlling portion sizes. So that was my logic for giving in and buying both “Vegan With A Vengeance” and the latest from the Post Punk Kitchen hosts, “Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar.”

Although I resisted buying “Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World”, I now recognize how its crossover appeal to all sweet tooths has the power to prove to the general population (i.e. 98% of non-vegans) that any food can be prepared without using animals. products and taste at least as good.

Within a few weeks of the two books arriving, I tried most of the myriad pizza combinations at VWAV, including making Tempeh Sausage Crumbles, Classic Pesto, and Basil-Tofu Ricotta crust and toppings. The fragrant curry pea soup was really delicious and easy to prepare too.

Among the dishes to prepare from VWAV: Pumpkin Waffles, Chili sin Carne al Mole, Matsoh Ball Soup. And who couldn’t use another felafel veggie burger recipe up their sleeve? This book also has desserts: Banana Split Pudding Brownies and Ginger Coconut Macadamia Carrot Cake (trying not to stop at desserts as I have cookies to bake!)

I dove into “Vegan Cookies” by making the Sweet Wine Cookies with Sesame Crackers (reminiscent of an old Italian family recipe), which were incredibly light and not too sweet, even though I use whole grain cake flour instead. all- purpose flour and reduced sugar. With sweet port, these cookies also go well with wine or coffee.

Must-have “Vegan Cookies” recipes include: Sell Your Soul Pumpkin Cookies, Tahini Lime Cookies, Whole Wheat Fig Bars, Peanut Butter Blondies, NYC Black and White Cookies, Lazy Samoas, Ooh La Las ( Vegan Oreos!), Linzertorte Thumbprint Cookies, Magical Coconut Cookie Bars, and Chocolate Chip Mint Leaf Icebox Cookies.

Now is the time to get back to baking for a lifetime! Why not check out these books and make yourself some vegan cookies or pizza too?

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