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Child Care Safety Statistics

Child care is considered by many to be one of the most respected and equally demanding professions. It is now a multi-billion dollar industry encompassing a network of day care centers, day care centers, franchises, and large corporations. All the institutions are working together to meet the educational and parental needs of the children. With such a sensitive duty, it is vital that industry professionals improve existing safety standards in the child care industry.


Statistics reveal that the fastest growing sector in the child care industry is small business. These entities mostly operate from homes. According to the US Census Bureau, nearly 70 percent of child care-related businesses are home-based. A staggering 17 percent of moms are using neighborhood child care for their preschoolers. Kinder-Care, La Petite Academy, National Childcare Academy, and Gerber products are a few of the big names in the industry.

Laws and Regulations

Recent rulings have implemented strict rules to curb the risk of injury to babies. Governments and parents have come together to create child safety laws, not only for establishments but also for parents. These laws emphasize that the daycare center must provide a home-like environment. Licensed providers must complete training before providing child care. The facilities must be visited regularly by the authorities and a group of parents from the local neighbourhoods. US law restricts a single provider from caring for more than 6 children. On the other hand, parents are required to place their child in their own community nursery, except for mothers who work full time.

child injuries

Child care safety statistics reveal the fact that there were 56 victims in day care centers between 1990 and 1997. Nearly half of these deaths were due to suffocation. In 1997 alone, more than 31,000 children were hospitalized for injuries related to a child care setting. A recent study by the Pediatric Society and the Center for Disease Control focused on facilities that included federal institutions, private institutes, and small businesses. The study found that playgrounds pose the greatest danger to a child.

. The most dangerous conditions included the use of unsafe cribs, poor maintenance and hard playground surfaces, very soft bedding, and the absence of safety gates.

Security measures

Professionals recommend avoiding the use of furniture that can trap the child’s head or other body part. Any raised surfaces that are not protected must also be sealed. Said surface also includes stairs. Similarly, drop zones such as swimming pools and main holes pose a significant threat to a child’s well-being. The design of the intended child care product must match the age and size of the children. Daycare centers need to make sure they have the right inventory for all ages of the child, they admit.

Trip hazards, such as cables, must be immediately removed from the premises. These also include any household appliances. Children have a natural tendency to stick their fingers in wall sockets. It is mandatory for a child care center to seal such openings. All components that can crush or bruise body tissues should be avoided. Playground equipment should be inspected and large swings or slides removed. Stuffed toys that can choke a young child are also a problem. In short, the best remedy to avoid a disaster is keen attention and common sense.

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