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Causes of a red vagina

A red vagina is almost always a sign of irritation. Irritation can come from many things, so it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint the cause. You will be surprised what some of the most common irritants are.


Vaginal infections like yeast and bacterial vaginosis can cause a red vagina as one of the symptoms. If the cause is an infection, the redness will be accompanied by other symptoms such as burning, itching, and strong-smelling discharge. Infections happen when something upsets the balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria in the vagina, so many things that would cause redness on their own can also contribute to infections, which of course will make the problem worse. Treating the infection will relieve symptoms, including the red area of ​​the vagina.

hygiene products

In a perfect world, products designed for use on sensitive areas would actually contain gentle ingredients. However, this is not always the case. Many tampons, sanitary napkins, panty liners, and other products intended for close contact with the vagina contain fragrances and dyes. These are often produced using harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin and cause you to have a red vagina. There may also be itching and burning. Hygiene products that irritate the vagina should be removed and replaced with white, fragrance-free products.


Some soaps, usually the fancier varieties, are also irritating. If a soap contains exfoliating beads, mineral-infused beads, flower bits, or the like, it’s probably not suitable for use on such a sensitive area. Bubble bath often causes irritation, including a red vagina, in girls. Another aspect to take into account is the type of detergent you use. Highly concentrated detergents can leave residue on clothes even after rinsing. Washing underwear in a strong detergent and then wearing it later can irritate the vaginal area. Fixing problems with any of these products is as easy as replacing them with a milder variety.

get a shower

Douching is meant to be healthy for the vagina. To put it bluntly, it is not. Douching removes bacteria from the vagina, but unfortunately, it removes both healthy and unhealthy bacteria. This can make you more susceptible to infections because there is nothing left to stop the growth of harmful bacteria. The ingredients in some douches can be irritating to the vaginal area itself, causing a red vagina as a symptom.

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