Category: Technology

Technology admin 

What can you learn from a Facebook profile?

First of all, let me tell you that reading profiles is never a substitute for calling people and talking “in real time”. But you can learn a lot from what people do or don’t put on their profile. prior to you call them. When looking for new friends, some people will allow you to view […]

Technology admin 

How to run the barrel roll

The BEST way to practice the barrel without killing yourself on the mountain first is to practice on a trampoline. Practice your rotation only with yourself and your body. Make sure that when you are midway in the air (upside down) you are looking at the ground to position your landing, make sure that when […]

Technology admin 

Retweet or Favorite? One is better than the other

Over the years, popular life, mind, and Twitter, the 140 character or less casting site, has continued to evolve. First of all, it all started as an “internet texting” site in the pre-“smart” smartphone era. Around 2009-2010, Twitter became a popular app that made it easy for people to let us know how their sandwich […]

Technology admin 

Netflix Movie Rental Review – Movies Online

Netflix has been around for several years. You may have tried it and enjoyed unlimited rentals in your mailbox. I have been a member for 3 years and I love it, but now I am even more excited about the new service they offer. Netflix has listened to its customers and now they provide a […]

Technology admin 

Is Snapshot the next Facebook?

Today, technology is advancing so fast that it is essential that the major players stay current, otherwise they will be overtaken by one of the startups. One of the newer companies is Snapchat and people ask themselves the following question: “Is Snapchat the new Facebook?” Snapchat was started in 2011 by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, […]