Category: Relationship

Relationship admin 

How to start a family heirloom

The beauty of an heirloom is that its price is irrelevant. Its value comes from the love between the people who give and receive it, and the special events that are happening in their lives at that moment. That’s what makes it priceless and timeless. Many of us have treasured family heirlooms that have been […]

Relationship admin 

Picky eater? No problem!

Once your baby reaches the stage where he begins to try new foods, he may be faced with a picky eater. Your child is experiencing a world of new smells, tastes and textures and, like everyone else, he will have preferences. However, some will become very picky and try to fight you at every meal. […]

Relationship admin 

The academic navel lookouts

There is a difference between bureaucratic thinking and rational thinking. If one is not aware, it can lead to distorted perceptions. In bureaucratic thinking, one is not allowed to use common sense. One always follows the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. Bureaucratic thinking is limited thinking. Large organizations, professions, institutions, […]