Category: Real Estate

Real Estate admin 

Important services offered by your local real estate attorney

Whether you are interested in residential or commercial property, there may come a time when you need legal representation. Of course, a real estate attorney will represent you in land or home claims; however, this professional’s experience is helpful in more than just property disputes. divorce settlements The end of any marriage arrangement hurts. Sometimes […]

Real Estate admin 

The history of polybutylene

Polybutylene is a polymer that is often confused with polybutene, which has a different repeating unit. Polybutylene is created using the chemical formula (C4H8)n and is often used as a pure resin to replace other materials such as metal, rubber, and other engineering polymers. Polybutylene was widely used in the construction of houses and water […]

Real Estate admin 

This is why you should switch to paying rent online

Some people are hesitant to pay rent online. Why do it when they are used to paying in the traditional way? Come to think of it, there are some benefits to paying rent online. Landlords are now offering online payment schemes to tenants, giving them the opportunity to better manage their finances, get rid of […]

Real Estate admin 

3 reasons to install solar panels at home

Progressive homeowners are exploring the benefits of meeting a portion of their electricity needs with solar power. Installation of solar panels o Photovoltaic cells are a clean and affordable way to power homes and lower electricity bills. Some environmentally conscious homeowners install solar panels because it reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about 35%. Whatever the […]

Real Estate admin 

book review of "extreme coupon"

I’ve been a fan of the TV show “Extreme Couponing,” but it frustrates me that they don’t show you how to make it happen. I bought the book written by Joni Meyer-Crothers with Beth Adelman in the hope that the secrets would be revealed. I practically already knew the information, but I have never achieved […]

Real Estate admin 

Tips for Wholesale Homes with Tenants

Many new investors expect to wholesale vacant homes when they enter the business, but quickly discover that a large percentage of properties today are occupied, including foreclosures and REOs. So how is this a game changer and what tips can help wholesale houses with tenants better navigate the process more profitably? While many, especially newer […]

Real Estate admin 

How to find your financial advisor

Finding a trusted financial advisor was already difficult. The appeals court recently struck down the Department of Labor’s pending fiduciary rule that further confused financial consumers. It is vitally important to understand whether your financial adviser will act as your fiduciary or instead look for investments that are right for you. However, it’s also important […]