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3 reasons to install solar panels at home

Progressive homeowners are exploring the benefits of meeting a portion of their electricity needs with solar power. Installation of solar panels o Photovoltaic cells are a clean and affordable way to power homes and lower electricity bills. Some environmentally conscious homeowners install solar panels because it reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about 35%. Whatever the reason, the huge popularity of solar PV systems can be attributed to certain factors.

Main reasons to install solar panels

Some of the reasons why more and more people invest in solar panel installation are:

Increase home value: Statistics provided by the National Appraisal Institute indicate that homeowners can increase the value of their homes by $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility bills. Average solar energy product you can increase the value of your property by $17,520. After discounts and incentives are factored in, your property would cost much less than your purchase amount.

Cut in electricity bills: Electricity bills are a big concern, not only in terms of depleting your monetary resources, but also because they are dangerous for the environment. Homes and small businesses use 500 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month. Some even pay up to $75 a month. This is higher than the tax-deductible loan payments to be paid each month for the financed solar systems. Atypical solar panel installation will reduce your bills from $92 to $11 per month.

Reduce carbon footprints: The whole world is becoming more and more aware of ‘going green’ and installation of solar panels at home may be the best way to support this effort. Electricity use generates approximately 6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per US household per year. Considering the fact that an average American produces about 20 tons of carbon dioxide each year, installation of photovoltaic systems could decrease your carbon footprint by up to 35%.

Solar energy is renewable and reliable. Our earth receives enough solar energy to power every residential and commercial unit on the planet. So why leave all the natural energy unused? To top it off, the solar panels are made of silicon, which guarantees another use of natural resources (since the silicon comes from sand). In addition, the production of solar energy does not generate the emission of toxins or harmful pollutants. Depending on the system you choose, you can reduce or even eliminate your home’s reliance on the network, especially during massive power outages.

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