Category: Lifestyle Fashion

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Does vinegar cause yeast infections or cure them?

As a medical researcher and former yeast infection patient, I am often asked about the connection between vinegar and yeast infections. Most experts agree that eating certain foods stimulates yeast growth and increases the chance of an infection. But what about the vinegar? Vinegar has been shown to improve the health of many people. So […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Do You Suffer From Leaky Aura Syndrome?

Do you suffer from stress or anxiety? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? Do you take on other people’s problems feeling that you absorb their energy? Or maybe you feel like you’re just going through the motions of life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if your […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Birth Control for Cats: What Happened to FeralStat?

The contraceptive drug known as FeralStat (megestrol acetate) used to be available to individuals and groups as the most practical and economical method of managing stray and feral cat colonies. It was working, but is no longer available. Even the FeralStat website has disappeared. Why are contraceptive methods for cats so controversial? What is the […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Understand how health plans work – Part II

Some insurers have discovered this new model and are coming up with new designed plans that include high deductibles and also higher coinsurance as many companies benefit. There are some carriers who have not benefited so well from entering this new territory; due to miscalculating the risk involved in insuring people with chronic diseases. For […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How to control female hormones

What are hormones and why are they important? Hormones are a vitally important part of our body. Hormones help us grow, develop our metabolism, mood, sexual function, even how your body responds to environmental changes, not to mention the composition of our blood. The hormone estrogen is what helps keep our bones hard, our skin […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How to wear a magnetic bracelet correctly

Magnetic healing bracelets have gained popularity due to their painless and non-invasive healing methods. Wearing a magnetic bracelet helps realign disturbances created in the body’s magnetic field. This, in turn, can help you overcome chronic discomfort and reduce pain, especially in the wrists, arms, and elbows. Magnetic wristbands can also bring some relief to the […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Reflexology and edema

What is edema (also spelled edema), anyway? Well, it is an observable swelling that comes from a buildup of fluid in the body tissues. And edema occurs most often in the feet and legs, where it is known as peripheral edema. The swelling is the result of the accumulation of excess fluid under the skin […]