Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Why is my aura dirty?

The question that came to mind while explaining to a client that her aura was also being cleansed was, “Why is it dirty?” I am Usui Reiki Ryoho Shihan (master instructor) and practitioner; some should be within inches of the receiving person’s or animal’s body before and after a Reiki healing session. Removing any disharmonious […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

detox during menstruation

Doctors and medical professionals generally advise against commercial detoxification during pregnancy or menstruation. Many warnings are given when a person is “normal”, but they can be even worse if they are pregnant or in their menstrual cycle. There is always the much healthier, natural type of detox that is recommended as an alternative, but even […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

What Is The Purpose Of Sweating?

What is the purpose of sweating, you suddenly asked yourself. You have been doing all sorts of physical activities all your life, where you found yourself sweating every time. Why does this happen, and what does it mean? The human body is surprisingly made up of 60% water. Actually it is anywhere between 55 and […]