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Dealing with Stress – The Diamond Principle

Stress appears and manifests itself in many ways. Coping with stress can vary from situation to situation and person to person. The most important thing is how you present yourself when dealing with stress. And, who are you a result.

Advice for coping with stress often sounds like this: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This advice was very useful for many years. It resonated in my personal life, but it started to fade in my business life.

This phrase no longer resonated with me. He was tired of making lemonade. Neither the metaphor nor the visual motivated me. In fact, it began to have the opposite effect. He was tired of making lemonade. The lemonade made me think of a somewhat messy sweet and sour drink that was sold cheaply. My life called for a new metaphor. A new motivator.

Then one day, when the pressure was really great, the diamond metaphor came to me. I thought about how a diamond is formed. How they are formed deep down, from pre-existing materials. The heat builds up and a new material is formed. If other conditions like pressure and chemistry are right, diamond crystals begin to form. Then, after thousands of years, the rough diamonds rise to the surface and are discovered. And even then, most need extra care to achieve a jewelry-ready shine.

This is my new metaphor, minus the thousands of years. A metaphor that reminds me that I will not burn, burn or explode under pressure. And, since it talks about nature, it talks about my desire to live centered on the Tao. A nice bonus!

Now, when I see myself under stress and I feel it deeply, I slow down, take a deep breath and remember the pre-existing situations through which I have survived. I allow the pressure to mold me and teach me. And I see myself overcoming stress to shine again. Even more precious and valuable.

In short, it happens under extreme pressure and requires time, energy, and resources to create a brilliant diamond. Now, I see myself going through the stress and rising to the occasion to shine. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”

So tell me, what works for you, lemonade or diamonds? More importantly, how do you deal with stress? And how does your life change when you can negotiate?

I wish you strength under pressure and the ability to shine! Peace.

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