Category: Health Fitness

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Why is natural bodybuilding so attractive?

natural bodybuilding it means gaining muscle without using adjuncts like drugs or dietary supplements to bulk up. For centuries, bodybuilders have gone above and beyond in their quest for bigger, stronger muscles. Some were even willing to risk their safety and health by using drugs and supplements to add bulk to their physique, not caring […]

Health Fitness admin 

How stress is causing your digestive problems

Most of us have direct experience of how intense or chronic psychological stress can affect the digestive system. Ancient Chinese medicine practitioners also theorized that the intestine (particularly the liver) was the seat of the emotions. Modern science explains this phenomenon by discovering that up to 90% of our neurotransmitters and hormones are produced in […]

Health Fitness admin 

3 day diet to lose 10 pounds

The 3-Day Diet is a fad diet, that is, a weight-loss diet that had rapidly gained popularity, but at one time whose popularity had faded. It had been a well-known diet from 1985. The 3 Day Diet is a regimented diet plan that still exists in textbooks and is practiced by some to lose weight […]

Health Fitness admin 

Excel Formulas – 7 Basic Elements Revealed

If you’re relatively new to writing Excel formulas, pay attention to these concepts. Ignoring them will lead to unnecessary headaches… 1) Every Excel formula begins with the = sign The = sign is entered automatically when you insert an Excel function. A formula without the equals sign is considered a cell content. Let’s look at […]

Health Fitness admin 

Angela’s Training Secrets Revealed

Summer usually means going to the beach or just hanging out somewhere with a pool. I think this season needs preparation, a lot actually. I would like to introduce my friend Angela who is a model and actress. She is also one of my good and understanding clients and I am here to tell you […]