Category: Health Fitness

Health Fitness admin 

3 exercises to reduce waist size

I promise you they have nothing to do with running for half an hour on the treadmill like a hamster. Also…no sit-ups, no sit-ups, no elliptical, no stair climbers. Basically, none of that crap! I have much better exercises that are more fun to do. 3 exercises to reduce waist size 1. Hindu squats This […]

Health Fitness admin 

Anti-aging skin care cream

Most of us are looking for that fountain of youth in a bottle. Years ago it seemed like a dream. Science is advancing on several fronts to address our aging process. Skin care is one of those fronts. Attention has been focused on the rejuvenation of wrinkles, collagen and elastin. We’ve heard buzzwords like ‘hydrate’, […]